Sunday, February 14, 2010

Knack Lead Singer Doug Fieger Dies. My Sharona.

The Knack lead singer Doug Fieger just died of cancer. He was 57.

Man, My Sharona was a huge hit. It was #1 for six weeks. When it came out in 1979 it was a real original. Here it is:


  1. Wow!
    I loved that song. I was 8, but man. Sad.

  2. Makes me want do dial 867 5309

  3. Carnie - on a side note, that nuber was sold 10,000.

    No lie.

  4. Didn't Weird Al Yankovic have a version?

  5. I heard this news yesterday, quite sad, indeed. I was a fan of the song! To anwer diane's question, I think Al Yankovic's version was "My Bologna," right?

    Have a great week!

  6. Anything Fits a Naked Man is correct.

  7. I don't know...sure I liked the song and we made up really lame dances to it in Grade 6 or whatever grade it was... but to honest that guy could have been dead for the last 20 years and I wouldn't have known any different so I can't really be all "OMG, SO sad...." when really that song was only a blip on my pong screen and well... ok maybe this sounds cold, but I don't really feel touched by the death of people I don't personally know and especially people I don't personally know and haven't thought about since circa 1980 and so yeah, this doesn't make me feel sad I'm afraid and it also doesn't really make me feel like hearing the song.

    Off topic my word verification word is "wovenize" which I don't think is a real word but sounds like it should be.

  8. Gage - Yeah. I agree. They really only had one hit.
