Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Meetings And The Things I Hate About Them. Stupid and Dumb.

I was just in a meeting and someone said, "What if we....."

..Then went onto describe an idea that was slightly clever but pretty stupid. They looked around with an expression on their face as if to say, "Do you people understand what I just said? It's brilliant!"

Then someone said, "That's a great idea!"

But it really wasn't. And I just sat there thinking, "What the hell am I doing here?"

I also hate when something is explained and it's so obvious but one person doesn't grasp the simple concept. So the person explaining explains it in the same exact way. But slower. But the questioner still doesn't get it.

Then, a know-it-all, chimes in and explains it and the person understands. And they're all proud of themselves.

Pretty much, I hate meetings.


  1. I think this is my worst post ever.

    I got nothing for you guys today.

  2. Its better than having a meeting by yourself. Because what if you have a stupid idea, but you don't know that, you think its a brilliant idea. Then you do it and you realize too late that it was stupid and you're mad at yourself for not giving yourself a heads up.

    Or what if you have a brilliant idea, but you tell yourself its stupid, then someone else does it and you realize that it really was brilliant and then you hate yourself for holding you back from being awesome.

    Yeah, I work by myself too much.

  3. The picture is awesome and your description of meetings sadly spot on. I think you are just feeling the 'blah' of this time of year my friend.

  4. I'm sorry, but I'm not sure I understand what you're talking about. Could you explain that thing about the stuff again.

  5. I actually enjoyed the post today because although I only go into the office on a part time basis, this has to be the worst part of my week (meetings). Where I work, people seem to think meetings are like their long awaited recital that they've been practicing for - and their time to shine is now. Just shut up! We all know what you do - we do the same thing!

  6. Gah- I have a stupid meeting/time waster today that I'm totally dreading. Our meetings are fun, in that we usually end up yelling at each other and rarely discuss new topics as we are too busy re-hashing crap from last month.
    Good times.

  7. I was trying to remember your worst post and then a bird flew into my window.
    Take heart zibbsy, Winter's almost over.

  8. this isnt your worst post... i've seen much worse than this one :)

    seriously, meetings are the bane of my existense. cant stand em.

  9. I never had a job that required real meetings. "Meetings" usually consisted of "Stop bringing toys to work" or "Don't say that anymore."

  10. I also hate meetings. Without the notebook I use to doodle in, I'd be asleep at nearly every one.

  11. Man, I'm with you on this one!

    I must confess, though, when I worked for a short time as a medical transcriptionist, I actually LIKED meetings. They got me away from my desk. The mundane things being discussed in said meetings rarely pertained to me, so I could just grab a danish and a cup of coffee and ignore the silly "What if we.." banter!!

  12. Slyde took my comment. Let's having a meeting to discuss the ramifications of comment duplication. As part of the meeting, we can form a task force, and schedule weekly meeting for the task force to provide status, instead of reading the status email that they send out, because we are too important to READ.

  13. Somehow I got roped into being on the moving committee at work and I am now continually being pulled into meetings where we prep for another meeting that is only held to prep for the final meeting.

  14. In my experience, meetings usually end up with more work on my desk and I don't really like the work I already have so more work really sucks and when a meeting ends up with work being taken off of my desk, it always means I've just been fired and THAT really, really sucks. This usually happens after another meeting that I wasn't party to so I guess you could say that meetings suck but meetings you're not invited to have the potential to really, really, really, really suck and they suck hind tits too.

  15. I was going to chime in here and explain this post to everyone, but I figured you'd frown on it.

  16. I remember when I worked for a company (no more!) when we had to schedule a meeting to discuss what we would be talking about in our next meeting. Lame.

    And, Zibb of daily posts, you are only human. I think. Can't knock 'em all out of the park (something B.E. might say?)

  17. I was in this meeting. I hated it too.

    But now I work overnights, and I've reached a new level of hell. I'd take meetings like this all day long so long as they were all DAY long.

  18. Thank you for summing up my daily life for everyone. And people wonder why I drink. Now excuse me, I have to go to a meeting.
