Saturday, March 6, 2010

Greasers Dancing In Yoyogi Park. Trying To Dance That Is.

Some people have asked, "Where do you find these video?"

Usually I just put various keywords into Youtube and I see what they got. Here's what you get when you put in the word "greasers"

Where did these guys learn these awkward dance moves? You'd think maybe they watched Grease or something and tried to imitate it but I have no idea where these moves came from.


  1. If any of there Dad's randomly walk by there's gonna be an ass kicking. "YOU DISRESPECT FAMILY!"

  2. If you are going to do something like this in public, it behooves you to develop some skills first. Throw in a bride, some cake and several drunk uncles and you have a wedding reception, an event known for horrible dancing.

    The Twist combined with rolling on the ground is amusing, but it ain't dancin' fellas. They need to actually learn what dancing is or keep it reserved for weddings.

  3. BTW, I consider what you do with finding these video clips to be a great public service. Otherwise, I would waste too much time trying to find stuff like this. In general, I appreciate it when people do my work for me. It's how I have gotten to where I am in life.

  4. I sure hope no reather got scuffed on that concrete.

  5. Looks like one big circle-jerk. I guess rhythm is not a luxury the Japanese can afford. Sake anyone?

  6. Chemgeek - Are you saying I'm an enabler for the lazy?

  7. I have no words for how bad this is. Why are people photographing them? It's like a bad car accident.

  8. Dr. Z, Damn straight. You and my vodka.

  9. I find them to be quite skilled and refreshingly authentic.

  10. Um, may I submit that they really ARE trying to imitate moves from Grease, they are just:

    a.) Really, really bad dancers, or
    b.) Really, really HIGH!!!

    Either way, hilarious! Thanks for sharing!

  11. Anything Fits - What part in Grease featured moves like that???

  12. ..andyone..please. I'm very familiar with the movie Grease and I will put in the DVD to compare.

  13. oh man how I love the Japanese!! I would pay these guys to come to my birthday.

  14. Hey, greasers didn't breakdance! Otherwise the whole scene is 100% authentic.

  15. I sure hope no reather got scuffed on that concrete.
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