Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Jellineck Speech About Pot. Strangers With Candy. Weed.

I love this clip of Jellineck talking about the dangers of smoking weed. Anyone else love Strangers With Candy? I know a bunch of you do but I have to ask again anyway.


  1. "Shoot the breeze a know, 'rap'"

    HAHAHA. I love that.

    And I also love when he says, "If you want to smoke pot, prepare to spend a lot of time laughing with your friends".

  2. "The only thing it fixed was my life."
    Love this show...You know, since you asked.

  3. I don't even remember that clip (not cuz I was high at the time). Sweet!

  4. My wireless network at home is called MrNoblet and my about me on Facebook says I'm sitting at the welcome table. That should tell you all you need to know.

  5. Gage - I am not surprised given that we're video clip/tv show soul mates and all.

  6. I love that your google sidebar ads all have to do with pot now..."How to quit Weed" hahaha! Nah, I'd rather have a good time laughing with my friends...thanks! Have a great weekend!

  7. I was wondering about when he says his parents were brutally murdered, if maybe he was Lyle Menendez in hiding.
