Saturday, April 17, 2010

Al Green Getting It Done. Tired Of Being Alone.

I wish we were dancing to this song. All grindy...gettin' all into it.

No not you! Move over...

You. Yeah you.


  1. I'm not sure if I'd fall in the "no not you! move over" category or the "you. yeah you" category, but eitehr way, I think this is a sweet song.

  2. Al Green was pretty damn good. and I'm pretty sure the "no not you!" was directed at the likes of me... at least I hope so. I like you, Dr. Zibbs, but I'm not sure I want to dance with you. I suck at dancing.

  3. If ever possible you should spend a day, a week, a month with my husband only listening, discussing and enjoying music .... you guys would get along just fine (musicly that is)

  4. Dominica - Please fly me to your country and I will do that.

  5. @Zibbs as soon as this ash cloud has gone ... we'll fly you over
