Monday, May 10, 2010

Cashiers Need Better Training You Slow Pokes! Wawa.

I usually get a USAToday at Wawa. Mostly for the Sudoku. And if I get Theresa the cashier, this is what happens:

- She turns the paper around.
- She looks at the headlines.
- I hold my money out.
- She finally takes my money but continues to read the headlines.
- She then put the money in the register.
- She slowly hand me the paper.

And it drive me crazy! And it's not even like she comments on a story to make conversation. She just wants read the paper.

Of course I don't have the balls to say anything to her. I wish I were my Dad sometimes because in a second he would say,

"OK listen, I come in here everyday to get a paper, and I'm in a hurry but you have to scan the headlines. I'm really going to have ask you to do that on YOUR time. Not mine. Now if it happens again I'm going to have to talk to your manager. Are we clear on this?... Are we clear on this? OK. Have a good day."


  1. Try using exact change. Just put your money on the counter and walk out. I do this every morning at my local Sunoco for Red Bull. Me and the cashier have an "understanding". I slip him the $3 and I walk out. Even if there's people in front of me. Works out nicely.

  2. I would mock up a fake front page and the main headline reads "NOSEY WAWA CASHIER READS PAPER HEADLINES". Subhead: "When she should be doing her job."

    Cover the actual paper with it and hand it over for the scan (leave the barcode exposed).

    Then give her the tirade.

  3. Yeah forget mine. Do Abel's.

  4. HAHAHA I agree with Abel. Do it. I double dog dare you! No! TRIPLE dog dare you. Now you have to do it.

  5. Stacey, I used to do that but lately they've been telling me they have to actually scan the paper. It's stupid really.

  6. Kind of like the cashiers/baggers at the market who comment on what you buy...

    "Oh, making spaghetti tonight for dinner, eh?"


  7. Zibbsy, that cashier is lying to you. It's all a ploy just so she can read the paper every morning.

  8. Kate - I hate that too. I'm always tempted to buy a zucchini and whip cream and see if they say anything.

  9. ...and Abel - you may be right. Next time I'm throwing my 100 pennies at her and running out the door. (By the time she figures out that two of the pennies are Canadian I'll be long gone.

    So loooong suckaaaaas!

  10. Buy two....
    leave one for her.



  11.'ll just have to leave the house a tad earlier to make up for this slacker cashier delay.

    Or better yet, find a newspaper box outside that carries the USAToday.?

    Your welcome!

    ~ Jennifer

  12. Jenifger - you have all the answers.

  13. Okay the leaving two canadian pennies made me spit water from laughing! Bwahahahaha!

    Now I didn't catch the rest of your post because I was trying to read the headlines on that newspaper ;)

  14. Shelle - I really do need to pick up some Canadian coins to pass a long.

  15. Here in the Land Near the Candadiann Border (10 mins south of Detroit. Tunnel or Bridge) we actively trade a Loonie for a US coin whenever we can. Most people don't even notice.

    but what I don't that she is NEAR THE PAPER ALL GODDAMN DAY so she should just pick up a copy and read the fucking thing.

  16. I agree with the fake headline - that shit is awesome

  17. I got no balls either...I let it go and let it go and let it go, until I blow up.

    Then I look like the asshole and whatever that other person did becomes irrelevant.

  18. Candy - yeah. Eventually I'll probably snap.

  19. Let me send you some Euro coins ! Will she be in for a surprise ! ... and I really like Abels idea the best !
    Take some glue and a paper with this fake headline like she suggested, stick it on the mag and see how she reacts ....just to see her nosy face go white ! LOL
