Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Looking At People In Meetings More Than The General Population.

I was in a meeting earlier and as usual, I look at people throughout the course of the meeting.

Look at his socks. They're blue but he has black shoes on.

She's tired because she was at the shore.

Nice toenail polish.

His hair is weird.

Throughout the course of the meeting I do this. And I notice that some people hardly look around at all.

And it makes me think that I'm probably in the highest percentile of people that look around at other people - (number of looks per minute). Whether it's in a meeting, at a restaurant or wherever. It's not like I'm staring but I just need to take a quick glance. Then I move onto the next person. Or back to my pen. But if there's something interesting about the person I will "go back for seconds".

I wish I could see myself on videotape to see if I look like a total weirdo or if I look normal. Because I just look for a second. Maybe other people are doing the same thing but I don't think as much. Because I would catch them. You know...cause I'm always looking and everything.

Once in while though something weird will happen. I'll be at a restaurant or somewhere and I'll look at someone and they'll be looking at me. Then...I HAVE to look again to see if they're looking at me AGAIN*. And if they are, then I have to do everything in my power NOT to look at them even though I want to. I can do it for like five minutes then I'm about to burst so I take a quick peak. If they ARE looking again, then I get all paranoid. Unless I can convince myself that they were checking me out.

Does anyone else do this?

*this happened to me in 9th grade and I was looking at some huge football upperclassman and he finally yelled across the cafeteria, "YOU GOT A PROBLEM?". (I said "No")


  1. I hate that feeling when you're randomly looking at somebody, then you make eye contact, and then suddenly you feel that you either have to go up to that person & say something or look away embarrassed. I never have the balls to look back at that person in such a scenario.

  2. John - I wish I were like you and didn't have the balls not to look back. My problem is that I HAVE to look back. It's like an itch that has to be scratched.

  3. Yes. In fact, the other day, I had a stare down with a stranger. I won, he looked away first.

  4. Yup! Guilty here. I do that all the time, and I sometimes get busted and start blushing. It's pretty embarrassing - I tend to blush at a lot of things.

  5. Madtexter - I used to blush at a lot more things. Now not so much. And I'm glad about that.

  6. I had to think about this. Do I stare and not think about it? I think I'm more apt to stare into space than stare at people, but I have had those occasions where I'm looking in a general direction and someone turns into my line of sight, locking eyes with me, AS THOUGH I were staring.

    Wanna see a mongoose turn red? Do that.

  7. This is cracking me up! I look around at people. If I'm out I am always looking at the door to see who is coming in and my face is almost always indicative of what I think about their appearance. haha

  8. Five minutes can feel like forever in a situation like that one. I try to be all suave and coy but, alas...suave and coy aren't skills I have so I usually give myself away pretty quick.

  9. Funny. This so reminds me of a Seinfeld episode. A show about nothing.
    No, not to say this isn't a post of value, discussing a topic of the utmost importance...I'm just saying.

    And I do that too. I totally look around and give people the once or twice over. I'm thinking of making it a game...to see where it takes me.

  10. The mad woman - "see where it takes me"...you're funny.

  11. No. No one else does this. You're both special and weird.

  12. Of course, it's the only thing to do. That, and try your best to introduce the most inappropriate words or phrases into a serious discussion, such as "flange", "oberleutnant", "munchkin" or "moist gusset".

    And I wouldn't worry, you probably just look exactly like the rest of us in meetings, i.e. bored.

  13. I totally do that! I'm a big peek-sneaker.

    One of these days, I *will* take a picture because my understanding is that it does, in fact, last longer.

    :-D A.

  14. I'm obsessed with watching Asian people use chopsticks. Because they're so good at it.

  15. Anna - haha! In fact you're right.

    Gage - I'm the worst. Just so you know.

  16. I'll let you guess whether I'm the type of guy who spends a lot of time looking at other people. I think you know the answer.

    Sorry I have done my "affirmation" video yet. I'm still formulating a plan. Stay tuned...
