Sunday, August 15, 2010

Growing Up, We Were A Tissue Family And An Ice Family.

It's true, when I was growing up we were a tissue family.

I guess my parents still are. Maybe it's normal with 5 kids and most of them have allergies but I'm not kidding when I say that if you go to my parents house you will find at least one box of tissues in every room.

A box in the small storage drawer by the pool, in both cars...everywhere really.

And if you sneeze?, "Do you want a tissue? Here have a tissue. Just blow your nose. You don't need to blow your nose? What? Then here, put it in your pocket for later. Go ahead. You might need it later."

Tissue people.

My parents are also ice people. There's a huge concern that "WHAT IF WE RUN OUT OF ICE???"

So ice is stockpiled. Just in case. Ice maker in fridge is always full. Then there are six ice trays always full in the upstairs fridge PLUS a bag of ice waiting. And in case someone robs my parents of their precious ice in the middle of the night?...No worries. Because (Shhhhh - don't tell anyone) there's a secret stash in the basement fridge with 6 more full ice trays and an extra bag waiting.

Ice people.


  1. It's weird cause I know ice people. They have concerns over the amount of ice available. I stopped throwing parties because ice people would call me and ask "Do you have enough ice?" Then they would show up with ice and ask "Is this enough ice?" They freak me out.

  2. We are into tissues here, but not quite that much. However, my kid always has those small travel pack tissues in her backpack - and I always have some in my car.
    Now I feel like a freak.
    So... nothing new, really.

  3. I am exactly like your family in this regard. I have strategically placed tissue boxes around the house. During high cold season, I have it so one is never more than 20 feet from a box. Weird. I know.

  4. Puffs Tissues changed my life, I tell ya.

  5. Son of A T - "The Ice People". It does make them sound like freaks doesn't it?

    Sybil Law - I hate the travel packs.

    Chemgeek - maybe we're related.

    WendyB - I am not a fan of Puffs because too much fluffy stuff comes off.

  6. Um, exactly how many freezers do your parents have?

    And do any of them contain body parts of missing people? Because you can never be to sure about those ice people.

  7. Mad Woman - Just two but they have have three roosm dedicated to tissue storage.

  8. I keep a box of tissues on each floor of the house and I HATE running out of ice so I keep a spare bag in the chest freezer in the basement. I guess I'm one of your people. It's not surprising, really.

  9. I never seem to have a tissue when I need it. I always end up either borrowing one or using my sleeve. Don't care about ice either. If I were to stockpile anything it would be weed...and Cheetos.

  10. Can't really have one without the other, eh?

  11. Uh-oh! I think I am one of the dreaded tissue people too. In every bathroom, bedroom and kitchen. And I always keep ice stockpiled. Conversely, my parents NEVER have enough ice on hand and they DO NOT use tissue paper (only toilet paper to blow their nose). Freaks.

  12. Conversely, my family never had enough tissues or ice around. The Yin to your Yang, so to speak.

    Now I just make sure I have enough ice, because I like it in my whiskey. So there's that.

  13. BE EARL - I refuse to use ice machine ice for whiskey. Ruins it.

  14. I feel like abundant tissue is a real sign you've made it in life. Students and poor people, etc. never buy tissue. Pretty sure I bought my first box of kleenex this year and I'm almost 30. But that's only because my wife had a cold. Normally we just blow our nose on the drapes.

    As for The Ice People, they are the best kind of people. Ever run out of ice when you're drinking a drink that requires it? It's quite possibly the worst thing in the world. God bless The Ice People. In glacies speramus.

  15. Johnson - Firstly, thanks for commenting on my blog.

    And secondly, congrats or your new purchase of tissues.

  16. OMFG hilarious!

    We are not ice people, but we have a box of tissues in every room (2 if you count the kitchen and adjoining family room as 1 room), plus in the cars. None in the basement though. That's kind of risky now that I think about it.

    My grandparents were that way too, but not my parents, so it might skip a generation.

  17. Kristen - I think it does skip. According to the studies of read on the subject.
