Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Weird Dream I Had. The Chair. Seeing The Future.

I remember my dreams about 5 times a week. And if you follow me on Twitter, I tweet them as soon as I wake up. That's the only way to do it. Otherwise, you'll forget.

A cool dream I had the other week was that I was looking through binoculars at my parent's house and I saw that my dog was still alive. He was in the distance and he was playing with a wolf. It kind of put me at ease.

I've also dreamed that he talks to me. But for some reason he speaks with an English accent. Which he would never do.

Last night I had really weird dream. I had written a book called, "The Chair." It was a story of a chair that would let you see the future if you sat on it. Some people would see their future and change their lives for the better while others freak out and go crazy. When you sat on it, it was like, "WTF!!!!??" It would freak you out. And each person would pass the chair onto a friend but wouldn't tell them of it's powers.

Well I print one copy and on the inside I inscribe this, "I think you'll like this book. Please read it and pass it on to a friend when you're done. Everyone should write their review of it and leave their reviews in the book. Please return to me after everyone reads it."

I give the book to @WellreadHostess, my Twitter friend. Probably because she's into books.
So the book gets passed around and when it comes back to me, everyone says it's great. And that it changed THEIR lives. Kind of like the chair. (See what happens there?) And I publish it and it becomes a best seller.

I'm not sure if it was Oprah endorsed or not.


  1. @trinalikeswine I like your dog dream...I've had similar dreams with my pup I lost...Also, I'd like to sit in that chair...I could give two shits what it would tell me...I'd just like to sit...that would be a treat.

  2. Anon - I just sat in it and it said you're launching you blog by the end of the week.

    Don't make a fool of the chair.

    ...Or it'll get ya!

  3. ..And the chair looked like a simple kitchen chair. Nothing fancy.

    And the cover of the book was a picture of the chair and in a simple font it said, "The Chair"

  4. Who cares if it's Oprah approved? It's ME approved! About time she handed over the keys to the show to me anyway. You can be my first guest. Bring the chair.

  5. Wow, what a great idea for a book! I think your dream means: You should write a book....about The Chair. Not too hard to figure that one out.

    People who speak with an English accent are usually perceived to be highly intelligent, as opposed to "Billy Bob the Redneck". Your dog dream shows that you think your dog was really smart. The playing with the wolf (wolves are often strong dream symbols) means that you are at peace with him passing. Looking at Mom & Dad's house through binoculars means you are longing to return to that simpler time, which is now far away.

    Your welcome. Write the book.

  6. Wellread - I'll take you over Oprah.

    Diane - Thanks. And he was a smart dog.

  7. This am was a disapointed story. I search for story about wolfs on the innernet everyday when I get off my shift to unwind and relax. I am inerested in wolfs and have red a book on them. When I found this story I thought it am going to be about wolfs and instead it was about a chair.

  8. Kirkner - HA! Long time no see. I bet you're a doctor. right?

  9. I could use some time in The Chair right about now.

  10. You might be onto something here. I see a trilogy here.

  11. Jessica - anytime.

    Papa K - I see the sequel as "The Stool." But a trilogy? What's the third one? The table? That would be pushing it I think.

  12. O.K. So the guy dreams about a chair, Writes a book about it, and when he goes on the talk show circut, he dosen't sit on the couch but brings ........his own chair.

  13. I love awesome dreams! I wouldn't sit in that chair, though.

  14. Son of A - I'm picturing it being lowered from the ceiling.

    Sybil Law -Me neither.

  15. I have a chair I freak out and go crazy in.

    Oh, wait. That's the commode.

  16. I love the idea of this chair. You should write it.
