Thursday, March 17, 2011

Do You Want To Know What I Look LIke? Lookalikes.

I love finding lookalikes for people I know. The best is when I find a lookalike and there IS a resemblance but it’s a total insult.

My friend Flare and I have always cracked up when we’d see lookalikes of each other. We’d be at Exton Mall back in the day and if he saw a lookalike of me he would go up to the person, look really confused and look back and forth at me and the lookalike and say, “Wait….Zibbs, is this you…or is…what the…wait a minute...” The person would have no idea and would just look all nervous and walk faster to get away.

Then when I’d point out a lookalike of Flare, he would actually go up to the person, and put his hands up mime style or begin to comb his hair. Then he would say, “Oh my God I’m sorry, I thought this was a mirror.”

I even have a scrapbook I started years ago called, “The lookalike file.” When I see a lookalike of someone I know I clip it and put it in the old lookalike file. The best is when the reaction to a lookalike is cracking up then the person says, “Oh my God you’re mean.” Whatcha gonna do?

Well on the subject of lookalikes, here are some people I’ve been told I look like:

Errol Flynn – My aunts used to tell me that all the time. I’ll take that though. Good looking chap.

Eminen – This one is complete bull. Someone from Twitter said I look like him. I think it’s because of how my hair looked one day.

The adult Chistopher Night aka Peter Brady – Some chick told me this recently. She did say, “But I mean that in a good way. He’s a good looking man.” So I got that.

Dan Marino – Some photographer at a photo shoot told me this once. He was like, “You look just like him.” First and last time I heard that. I guess I do kind of see it on this one.

Weird Al – This was because of my cheesy mustache in college. Total insult.

Napoleon Dynamite – My oldest sister said “that’s you in 8th grade.” Hmm. Well I do think I had a suit like that. Except I never danced with a girl in 8th grade at a dance. I was too busy holding the wall up.

And someone recently said a combo of The Hoff and Anthony Bourdain. Kind of insulted by the Anthony Bourdain since he's way older but whatever.

So who have you been told you look like? Come on…don’t be


  1. So you're kind of a hottie. When you're not sporting polyester suits and a cheesy 'stache, that is...

  2. Lulu - I've been told that but I think they may be lying.

  3. Well that's quite a variety of looks there Zibbs. Hmmm...Now you got me wonderin!

    I'm gonna go with your sister and guess Napoleon Dynamite! haha

    (psst..if you look like Dan Marino, call me!)

  4. Peggy - So who do they say you look like? hard to tell from your half hidden face.

  5. When i was 19 or so, i went to a copycenter to get a postercopy of a picture of French actress Catherine Deneuve. The guy in the center asked me where this pic of me was taken. When i was 30 my hair was way blonder and long. Princess Maxima of Holland was just engaged to her prince and many Dutch people said i looked like her back then. When i coloured my hair into the chestnut colour i had for several years and cut it shorter, i again was mistaken for another French actress.

  6. already know what I look like so this may be a pointless exercise for me.

    Anyway, I have a blog post about exactly this from a few weeks ago!

  7. The Hoff! UGH! That's not nice.
    However, Anthony Bourdain is fricking awesome. I'd totally do him.

    I've been called Gidget, Froggy and Sally Field. Oh, and Samantha Fox, I think? Samantha Morton? Hell, I don't know. But not that one a lot. Mostly Gigdet and Froggy.

  8. I was once told that I looked like Christina Applegate, which was very funny because what we had in common was blonde hair, legs, eyes, and nostrils. I think the guy was on some sort of substance.


  9. know what's also fun to do ? Put a recent pic up for a face recognitian app. Google it. Just to see who you look like the most. I looked like Jude Law ** we would make beautiful babies .... Dominica

  10. I love Anthony Bourdain..he's a badass!...a little on the thin side though.

    As for me? I've been told I look like Parker Posey. Like, when she had braces in that "Best of Show" movie. I too had metal braces at the time. So, I think it was the braces..thus the person who told me was an idiot box.

    Other people? A young Liz Taylor way before her White Diamonds days. Uh, let's see here...Neve Campbell, Brooke Shields. I guess I'm giving away I'm a brunette....

    btw, I think you may be a nice looking fellow! hmmm...

  11. TC - will check it out.

    Dominica - I will. I'll tweet the results.

    Trina - "fellow"

  12. I get told all the time that I look like Julia Louis Dreyfus. But I think it might have more to do with the fact that I talk and emote like Elaine on Seinfeld than actually LOOKING like her.

  13. I get told I look like Barbara Streisand or Jennifer whatshername from Dirty Dancing. It's the nose.

    Word Ver: unizzles. When did Snoop Dogg start writing your word vers?

  14. Looking like a Brady boy is definitely a compliment! I spent many a dreamy day planning to marry one of them.

  15. Gwen - that's an insult. You don't look like Streisand!

    Debbie - Yeah probably. Except for Bobby I guess.

  16. The Last picture is definitely you! I tell my oldest daughter that when we watch Napoleon Dynamite. Its her favorite movie.

  17. Sandra Bullock (often).

    And, way before that, Raquelle Welch "in her younger days."

    I must be pretty hot!

  18. Larry (Lawrence) - I remember you telling me that you SOB.

    LegalMist - Hot!

  19. Helena Bonham Carter--they probably meant the crazed Bellatrix Lestrange version of her.

  20. Zibbs, its time you show us a current picture so we can decide which one of those celebrities you look like.
