Thursday, July 28, 2011

Krass Brothers. Philly Old School Commercial. Shanks.

Anyone from the Philly area remember the Krass Brothers commercials? Take a look. Which girl is your favorite? I bet you like the one second from the left don't you?

Come on...don't lie.

And look at when the women are talking. He's mouthing their lines.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Far right. FAR RIGHT!

    And no, that's not my political position.

  3. Hahahahahahaha! That is freaking awful!!
    I tried to pick one, but my eye never rested. It's just awfully awesome.

  4. Please tell me you were being sarcastic about the second one from the left.

  5. damn it I watched about 5 times and all I could think was "stand up straighter" and "that suit isn't working"...

  6. Tom - What do you mean? You don't like crack whores?

    TC - Doesn't it remind you of Stairway to the Stars a bit? It's the quality of the piece.

  7. what a trainwrek! ... apply that comment to any context about this, i.e. the whole thing, the content, the performances, the look... etc.
