Thursday, September 22, 2011

West Chester Man Considers Using Mr Furley For Fashion Redesign. Fashion.

So I've been thinking about looking at Mr Furley (Don Knotts) from Three's Company as a starting point for updating my wardrobe. I mean not like TOTALLY taking his look but just taking the cool parts and bringing it into the 2011 zone.

Do you know what I mean?


No! Not like like his TOTAL look. I KNOW that looks dumb! I'm talking about taking the essence and updating it. Do you you know what I mean?

No? Well I'm going to like take the scarf and I'll..It's hard to explain. Like the big assed demin collars I have this idea to...

Oh forget it! FUCK YOU!!


  1. I don't even know where to begin with you, Dr. Z.

  2. Smedette - you must have SOME thoughts on this.

  3. I see lots of gold chains in your future.

  4. I think it would all work fine if you were working in Singapore and got rid of the pea green colored Leisure suit! W.C.C.

  5. I think you know that I know EXACTLY what you mean.

  6. I think you mean the Apple Dumpling gang, right?

  7. Trina - that's EARLY Knotts. I prefer his clothes when he matured. Stylewise.

  8. You know I'm a member of the fashionpolice,right ; but I'm sure you'll update your wardrobe to the nines !
    PS love the 'chocker' thing or big 70-ies collars
