Wednesday, September 14, 2011

West Chester Man Reveals His Lunch Box. Yellow Submarine.

As promised two posts back I will now reveal my first grade lunch box. It was....The Beatles Yellow Submarine!

Well. Kind of.

For some reason - instead of my Mom letting me pick out a lunch box - she asked my Dad to pick one up. I have no idea what she was thinking. I remember him saying, "Jimmy I bought you a lunch box for the first day of school."

And I ran over. All excited. Until I saw it. It was a lunch box for the TV Show "The F.B.I.". Huh??? I don't even remember this show NOW. And I'm a TV head. I looked it up on Wikipedia and it was on the air from 1965 - 1974. Anyway, for me it was a boring ass lunch box. The graphics on the lunch box were basically a bunch of guys wearing suits. Hey Dad, wasn't "The CBS News with Walter Cronkite available?"

But what was worse is that I opened it up and the thermos was a Yellow Submarine thermos. IT DIDN'T EVEN MATCH THE LUNCH BOX! I remember saying, "I can't use this! It doesn't match!"

Then I remember:

Mom: (to Dad) Jim why didn't you check to see if the thermos matched?

Dad: Sally it was the last one there!

If you know my Dad, it was probably sitting on a shelf near canned goods because someone noticed that the lunch box didn't match the thermos and they just left it there. Then my Dad walked in the store, saw it next to a stack of canned beans and thought, "Well, good thing I got the last one." And picked it up and walked to check out.

So I was stuck with it. For the next two years I would pull all of my lunch out and close the lunch box. Then when nobody was looking I would open it really quickly and pour my drink into the plastic thermos cup and shove the thermos back in. Phew! Nobody saw me.

I think in third grade I moved on to carrying my lunch in a paper bag. Or a "lunch sack" as my hillbilly readers probably call it.

And I really wish I still had the Yellow Submarine thermos. I looked on Ebay a few years ago and they were selling for $250. Doh!


  1. And I searched for the FBI lunchbox on Google images but could not find it!

  2. It sort of works. I need to try the thicker version, though.

  3. Shamwow - what are you talking about?

    Oh. This is spam I think.

  4. I had a Peanuts lunchbox. It was orange. I didn't even like Peanuts at the time. At least the thermos matched though.

  5. oh...but this one might have been way cooler:

  6. TC - was it a domed plastic one? Someone I know had that one. Kinda lame.

  7. And TC the link isn't working. What is it?

  8. TC - Haha. The link worked from my email. Nice.

  9. you should send the bills of your shrink who helps you get over this trauma to dad !!

  10. Dominica - I know! Imagine how I would have turned out if I had a matching lunch box!

  11. Zibsy! I love this post!

    I'm feeling you because I was obsessed with my first grade lunch box. It was very important to have a lunch box that was the right color and had the right images. it was a definite reflection of one's self.

    Looking back I'm thinking it was my first important accessory, almost like my first expensive, designer handbag.

  12. No I didn't have that gayass domed one, I know the one you mean. But I sort of hated the one I had only because I didn't really like Peanuts and I wanted Emergency! I remember I stuck a bike safety sticker from some cereal over Snoopy.

  13. Candy - then what was your lunch box??

    TC - When I was looking for the FBI lunch box I saw the Emergency one!

  14. My lunchbox was definately Snoopy.

    He was my guy back then.

  15. this definitely seems up your alley:

  16. Candy - Seems like that was a popular one.

    TC - HA! What the??

  17. Hahahahaha!
    Man, that is hysterical. So true, too - my dad would've done the exact same thing!
    In kindergarten my lunchbox was Holly Hobbie. Who the fuck is/ was Holly Hobbie?!
    Needless to say, that one didn't last long.

  18. Sybil - I really need to write some more posts about my Dad. And Holly Hobbie? I can't see you carrying that around.

  19. Man! You were a COOL KID with that lunch box! I wasn't a cool kid at all. I always wondered what i had to do to be popular. I never really figured it out. Maybe I just needed a sweet Beatles lunch box like yours... :)

  20. We ate school lunches. There was a yellow Disney school bus lunchbox out on the porch, but no one ever used it.

  21. The FBI lunchboxes have almost certainly all been bought up in some sort of complex sandwich conspiracy?

  22. I had a Mighty Mouse lunch box. I loved the hell out of that thing too because NOBODY else had one as cool as mine.

    In 3rd grade or so I wanted to change it to a Muppets Pigs in Space lunch box, but my mom wouldn't go for it. I showed her though, thirty years later I bought TWO of them on eBay for about $10 each and I have them on display in the den - so there!

    If I ever find my old Mighty Mouse lunch box for a decent price, I will SO pick that up too, but right now the only one on eBay is going for $99. Ick.

  23. The Jules - I heard dat. I looked all over online and can't even find an image.

    Cora - Mighty Mouse? Nice!

  24. My mom always packed my lunch in a Yellow Submarine lunch box and she would be sure to include a hit of blotter acid in there so I could trip out and look at the damned thing. Mom was cool like that.

  25. you might want to jump on this while it's still available:

  26. I loved the image of your dad finding the mismatched lunchbox and grabbing it real quick, thinking it was the last one...probably on earth!

    p.s. I agree with Shamwow's comment. Right on, Shamwow!

    p.p.s. word ver is "headsobb"

  27. Kristen - I really could start a blog that just featured my Dad.

  28. Wow ! what an interesting blog.Thanks for sharing this information.Your information is really informative for us.
    Nice blog on Lunch Boxes.
    Keep sharing more & more....
