Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Incident That Happened At The Brickette Lounge. Westtown.

This past weekend I went to The Brickette Lounge to hear some good ole' fashion Country music - YEEEEEEE HAWWWWW! *does that dance where he puts hands on hips and starts kicking his legs from side to side*

The place has been around for ages. Back in the day if you went there and you weren't wearing "country clothes" you stuck out like a sore thumb. Nowadays though, there's a mixed crowd. There were country folk AND city slickers. College kids AND some people in their 70's. I wore a sweater and didn't feel weird or NOTHIN'!

Anyways, the first slow song comes on - "Crazy" - and I see this old timer get up and start walking toward the dance floor. He's about 75 and has a beard. Wearing a cowboy hat, vest, cowboy shirt, boots...the whole deal.

And I'm thinking, "Who is he looking for? He's been sitting by himself the whole time?"

And he's looking around. Oh my God! He's looking for someone to ask to dance! And it wasn't that crowded yet so the only single women left are a group of three college girls. And so he sloooowly walks toward them. Little tiny steps. And I started feeling really sad for him. I bet his wife died and he used to go there all the time and he just wanted to relive a memory of dancing with someone and pretend it's her. I don't want to make you cry but I bet her name was Millie. Sweet old Millie.

So he taps her on the shoulder and asks her..... And she said yes!! So they got up and slow danced! Cheek to cheek! And she was good looking too! Not some slob that was thinking, "OK. Any port in the storm.*"

And she didn't even look over at her friends like it was a goof. My faith in humanity is slightly restored.

*And chicks do that just so you know. A few years ago these herd of young fatties walked into the Square Bar in West Chester. All dolled up and shit. And started flirting with the biggest lowlife dudes that were 20 years older. The herd leader was probably like, "OK let's face it. We haven't been laid in like 10 months. Let's just swallow our pride (and a few quarts of ice cream) and head down to the Square Bar."


  1. Oh man. I should have wrote a separate post about that herd that came into the Square Bar that time. It was a sight to see.

  2. TC - yeah I wish I had a picture of the dude.

  3. Awwww - restores my faith, too. I'm so glad she danced with him!

  4. Sybil - yeah me too. My only fear was that he was going to ask her again and she was going to say no then he was going to whip it out or grab her arm or something. HAHA.

  5. And the old dude got to feel some nice firm B(.)(.)Bs brush against him.

    Which is good.

  6. He was probably a young guy in disguise.

  7. Poor fatties. We're allowed to flirt too, you know!
