Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The Avengers Was Terrible. Big Letdown In East Whiteland Theater.

I don't know why I even thought I would like The Avengers. The only super hero/comic book movie I ever really liked was Sin City.

But I'm probably the only person in America that didn't like it because on Rotten Tomatoes it got a 90 plus from critics and common folk.

Why did I hate it? First off, it was boring. I also can't stand the stupid dialog. Here's an example:

Captain America: We need a plan of attack.

Iron Man: I have a plan. Attack. (then he attacks and everyone cheers).

The fight scenes are also absurd. Except for Iron Man (and maybe the Hulk) how can the others have a 25 minute fight scene and not get a scratch on them? They do have skin you know.

And as for the "humor", everytime a "joke" would be be told there would be people in the audience that would guffaw as if it was the funniest thing they'd every heard. Trust me, if they were at home they wouldn't be laughing at at all. But that's a pet peeve of mine too. People who laugh extra loud in theaters because they want to draw attention to themselves.

OK. If you thought it was good tell me why. I won't cut you down.


  1. Haven't seen it... won't see it ... until it is on Channel 4 one night and I've nothing to do and I'll watch it, Mrs F will sit down half way through and say "What is this crap?" Then fall asleep only to wake up at the end and say "What was that like?" and I'll say... "a load of crap"... :-) It happens with so many of these kind of films for me - inane is the word that springs to mind

  2. I have not seen it yet, but from what I've heard, you are the only person on earth who did not love it. I don't think it looks that good from the trailer.

    The iron man sequel was alright, but I only felt Capt. America and Thor were mediocre so I don't get why combining them together would create such a great movie.

    I still want to see it, but I'm sure after so much hype I will probably be let down.

  3. Tom - You'll probably like it. I don't think I'm going to find anyone else who thought it was stupid.

    1. You are stupid! Anonymous is back

  4. I loved it. I also loved Sin City, but they were totally different genres even though the source material for both was comic-books.

    Listen, to each their own. I could take several pages to explain why I liked it or why I thought it worked on so many levels, but since you have already made up your mind about it then nothing I say could/would change that. And that's okay.

    One thing: Did it really bother you that a bunch of super-heroes were in a fight for 30 minutes without any notable wear and tear? And not to nit-pic, but there was some wear and tear. Cap, Widow and Hawkeye were all bloodied and torn up. Iron Man's armor was fucked up! Thor and Hulk are basically indestructible, so that is keeping with the mythos. But, dude...it's a super-hero movie. Belief is suspended the moment those words are uttered. "Believable" certainly isn't something that Joss Whedon and the gang were aiming for.

  5. Earl - I'm pretty good at suspending belief and I know that's what all of those movies do. I guess the extended fight scenes where hundreds of bullets were being fired at them and not a single one landed.

    I know. It's dumb. Just bugged the hell out of me.

  6. Cap was gut-shot. Iron Man was shot hundreds of times (armor), as were Hulk and Thor (indestructible skin). Hawkeye and Black Widow are not super-powered (mostly), but they get by with that "peak of human conditionning" clause that Marvel (and DC) uses. The reader/viewer is supposed to "believe" that they can dodge bullets or whatever it is that the Chitauri were shooting at them.

    I'm able to accept that more than your typical action film where Bruce Willis or Arnold Schwarzenegger or Sly Stallone fire hundreds of rounds out of their handguns without reloading or duck behind some bushes while thousands of rounds of machine-gun fire are tearing up the landscape around them. And I LIKE those films. But that's not really the point.

    I don't necessarily want or need "believable" to be a part of any super-hero/action/science fiction/fantasy film I see. The whole reason those genres exist is that we sometimes allow ourselves to suspend belief to varying degrees. With super-hero films, you have to REALLY suspend belief, or it's a waste of time.

    But, like I said, to each their own.

  7. Haven't seen it, and it's highly unlikely I will - in a theater. I just don't like going to movies.

    1. Don't follow his/her tips, you will like it! If you watched it already Did you like it? I know your answer. He/she makes bad comments about good movies because he/she can't get a girlfriend/boyfriend

  8. sybil - you won't like it. Dave Grohl isn't in it.

  9. I wouldn't even watch this on TV. Bleh.

  10. I also didn't like this film. Boring plot which didn't give time for the characters to mingle and ultimately resorted to long boring over drawn action scenes. Its not far from being a transformers film. Where all the praise is coming from is a mystery. I believe once time passes and all the hype and advertising wears off, peoples opinion on this film may change every so slightly.


  12. Anonymous - you stick by me. I'll set you straight.

  13. You are stupid. Sin City sucks. Why do you hate The Avengers? I don't care if I'm the only person that hates Sin City. Really! You have bad likes! It is good:
    1. The effects
    2. The humor
    3. The story
    4. The suspense

  14. You are stupid. Sin City sucks. Why do you hate The Avengers? I don't care if I'm the only person that hates Sin City. Really! You have bad likes! It is good:
    1. The effects
    2. The humor
    3. The story
    4. The suspense
    So if you don't like it, don't waste yout time putting bad comments, and watch the trailers before watching a movie

  15. Oh yeah, and I am not the fucking anonymous that concords with your stupid ideas

  16. Anonymos - Ha. I'm not making a joke how old are you? Are older than 15?

    1. Let me see, you will also put that Battleship was a boring movie, right?

  17. You think that if they do not have big weapons and there is not so much blood in the movie, is not a good movie, that is not the point. Then, the movie was made for teens and kids. You think that if the movie is like Rambo, it is cool.

  18. Anonymous - Battleship? Now I know this is a joke? Seriously? What grade are you in?

    1. You know, when I see you I'll say you this words: YOU....ARE....AN....IDIOT!

  19. Wow, you REALLY upset Anonymous...Or maybe you upset a lot of Anonymi?

  20. Paticus - I bet he's a 15 year old.

  21. 'But I'm probably the only person in America that didn't like it'


    A little late coming to the party, but there it is.

  22. I'm Anonymous because I don't have an account here.

    But, I did find the movie to be quite charming. I watched it by myself, and even though I wasn't laughing out loud, I'll admit that the lines were clever and witty.

    Yes, there were a lot of fight scenes, but you know what? Bitches love fight scenes.
