Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Chester County Collage Artist. Mime Related. Marchwood Goodwill.

Question: What is "art?"

Answer: You're looking at in my friend.

That masterpiece was created by me. For you hayseeds out there the style is called collage art. Or assemblage. This piece shows a mime, sadly looking at a large headed retarded man. But why? What does it even mean? That's for you to figure out.

Sadly the rest of the piece was never actually assembled. I found all of the elements in a cigar box and dropped  the whole thing off at the Marchwood Goodwill on Saturday.

Imagine the look on the person's face when they find it? But sadly, it's incomplete. It would be like finding the Mona Lisa but smile is missing. Or Edvard Munch's The Scream but it has no mouth. Or Dogs Playing Poker minus the bulldog. Incomplete.

Anyways. I hope you enjoy it.


  1. Look at the retarded chap looking down like he's reading the post.

  2. "Art is the perpetual sacrifice of inclination to truth"--Proust

    "Art is a picute of a mime staring at a picture of a reatarded man pasted in the bottom of a cigar box"--Zibbs

    In those few empty moments of my day today, I will quietly debate this....

  3. Crotch HAhahahahahahaa!!!! Dots a good von!!!

  4. I just immediately thought it was a self portrait.

  5. you should have sent this to me...I could have finished this off. A collaboration of sorts!

  6. TC - DOH!! I still have the main piece that's shown in the picture. If you want that let me know and I'll mail it. I'll just put a stamp on the back of it.

  7. You were inspired to post this after seeing the heated "what is art" discussion firing up about that socialitr and photog taking a chainsaw to a $100,000 Hermes bag, weren't you?

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