Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Podcasts and Tune In Radio. Nick and Artie. Dana Gould.

Does anyone use the "Tune In" App*? I love it. It's free radio from around the world. I've been listening to a lot of oldies and classic rock from the UK. I like hearing the more obscure songs that they play over there.

And I also love listening to podcasts. Let me know what you listen to because I'm looking to add some more. Here are some I like (Sorry, no links will be supplied)

Nick and Artie - Love this. It's supposed to be a sports talk show but they only talk about sports half the time. Artie as you might know is from the Stern show. Nick is a comic. Even if you don't like sports I bet you'll like this.

Adam Carolla Show - This is the top podcast on Itunes. Funny. I'm still waiting to hear somebody with a "It's just a waste of my time" ringtone."

WTF with Marc Maron - Comedian Marc Maron interviews mostly comedians from his garage. He's a great interviewer but he annoys me. I still don't get how he's a comedian because I've listened to over 50 hours and only laughed once at anything he's said.

The Stranger Podcast with Dan Savage - Gay dude gives sex advice. Interesting to listen to freaky people call in. Annoying though how he tries to normalize everything. I don't care what people do but he acts as if you don't agree with every lifestyle you're a hater. I don't wish any transvestites harm but I saw a 6' 3" one at the Exton Mall the other day and that dude was a freak. Walking around with his halter top and little purse. I would never laugh in his face or stare but I will say it will always look ridiculous. So put THAT in your pipe and smoke it.

Dana Gould - I love this one but he rarely puts new episodes out. Get on it Dana!

Andy Dick's "The Sh&t Show" - Funny and freaky but he hasn't put a new episode out in a while.

Things You Didn't Learn in History Class - Is what it sounds like. 

And to tell you the truth there are a bunch more but I don't have my ipod with me and that's where they're stored. I need to add them to my "Tune In" favorites. I'll add the additional ones to the comments later.
So any suggestions for me?

*Just search "Tune In" on your device.


  1. Oh and the Greg Fitzsimmons and The Nerdcast are others I listen to but depends on the guest.

  2. Also listen to Freakonomics.

    AND Jay Mohr's is another podcast I like.

  3. Thanks, Dr. Zibbs, I've got it downloading on iPhone right now. I love to find comedians or talk shows for when I'm at the beach or whatever and I love Adam Corolla!

  4. WTF w Marc Maron is one of only 3 or 4 podcasts I subscribe to. But I only listen to 1 out of every 4. Only the guests that really interest me.

    You should really subscribe to Just Talking to the Cornfield on iTunes. Just sayin'...

  5. Elsie glad i could help. And love carolla.

  6. Tc then tune in to these. See what i did there?

  7. Zibbs - BTW, that's my weekly radio show/podcast. The last episode was meh, but check out Episode 62. That was our special "booze" show.

  8. Earl i will. I remember you mentioning that ages ago. Im going to start a podcast soon with my new girlfriend. One of the funniest people ive ever met. Was thinking just picking a few topics and discussing them over drinks casually. Maybe start with twenty minute segments.

  9. I wish we could cut our show down a bit, but every show seems to go long on us. 2 hours is a tough call to ask someone to listen in.

  10. Earl do any episodes feature slyde? I would like to listen to those too.

  11. Did Carolla write the book 'Not Taco Bell Material?'

  12. Suze he did. Im up to chapter 6. I likenit because we are the same age and can relate to so much of itl except i wasnt poor.

  13. Dan Carlin has two podcasts that I enjoy. One is called "Common Sense" which talks about current events, and the other is "Hardcore History" which seems pretty obvious. The guy is really smart.

  14. Thanks happy momma. I will check that out.

  15. I flipped through 'Taco' in the bookshop. You could write a book like that, Zibbzich. I'd buy it. :)

    1. Thanks suze that means a lot. I ve thought about writing a book for a while.
