Monday, September 17, 2012

It's A Cookbook! Scary Moments As A Kid. The Devil's Rain. To Serve Man.

Remember those moments as a child when you watch something on TV and it scares you so badly you look back and think, "I can't believe I didn't have a heart attack."

The other day I was thinking of when my son and I were on a run of watching horror movies. My son was about nine. And a friend of mine looked at me like a was crazy. But to tell you the truth he was never that scared. He thought the movies were fascinating. In fact, the more we watched the more I thought, "Is something wrong with him? Why don't these movies scare him?"

Then it all changed. We had been watching mostly modern day movies but I picked up some Twilight Zone episodes. Remember the episode, "To Serve Man?" With Lurch from The Addams Family as the alien? And the aliens seem friendly. They have a book called, "To Serve Man."

Well at the end of the episode as people  are getting on the space ship it's revealed that, "To Serve Man! (get it comes) It's a COOKBOOK!"

My son grabs by arm and starts yelling, "OH MY GOD! AHHHHHH!!!!"

And proceeds to freak out. He was spooked for the next few weeks. He said later it was so terrifying to him because of the shock that people were innocently getting on the ship they had no idea they were going to be eaten. Pretty spooky huh?

To read a post about a movie that scared me as a kid click here

And to read the Wiki page for To Serve Man click here


  1. Not scared. Not a fan of horror. But what a damn good twist on that title!

  2. Suze - not a horror fan? Because you're afraid? I wonder what percentage of people don't like horror movies because they're scared?

    And as a writer you would love the old Twilight Zone episodes.

  3. I like "The Sixth Sense" program from the 70's.

  4. Those are my favorite kinds of horrors - the ones that get inside your head! Of course I love zombie flicks tool

  5. Bama - I had to Google that one. I forgot about it. And Gary Collins? Married to Mary Ann Mobley. OH BABY!!!

  6. Elsie - My favorite horror films are anything to do with people being possessed. Second place are mutants.

  7. Like Paranormal Activity?

  8. My kids love The Twilight Zone, and it never fails after watching an episode, my 12 year old, will ask to sleep in his older brother's room.

  9. Elsie i e seen all three. The last was the best. I see most horror movies that come out unless the reviews are horrible or if its something like a saw movie where its just a gross out.

  10. Hmmm. Not a horror fan because I don't like gore, among other reasons. But 'Twilight Zone' is just this side of brilliant so SHGLONK!

    (Stamp of approval.)

  11. Suze - Gotcha.

    Candy - Look for her coming soon to a theater near you.

  12. Big fan of horror and zombies.

    Never seen Twilight though, I've only seen that movie they did. No, not the sparkly vampires one, the one with four different stories ~ where only ONE was scary: "THERE'S SOMEBODY OUT THERE!!!" ~ I'm never getting on a plane.

  13. I love scary stuff but then I have to sleep with the light on for a while. My kids think I'm crazy.

  14. Annika - You really should rent some Twilight Zone episodes!

    RG - They scariest way to watch a horror movie I think is in a theater when there are only a few people there.
