Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Jersey Transit Worker Slaps Down Gypsy. Newark Penn Station Bathroom.

People can be jerks. This weekend as I'm sat down on a New Jersey Transit train two gypsies got on. I'm assuming they were gypsies. If they weren't they were  Czechoslovakian or Polish. I could tell by the accent. But I hid my wallet just in case. But anyways....

They get on the train and they're gabbing it up and laughing. Then the train starts to move and the older lady starts screaming and runs to the window, "blah blah blah blah blah!!!!!!" (Sorry. I'm a bit rusty on my Gypsy). She's practically crying. 

It was obvious either her friend or husband or someone missed the train. She calls him up and is screaming. Freaking out really. This goes on for a few minutes until the New Jersey transit ticket guy comes by and says, "Tickets. Pull out your tickets." In broken English and in pure desperation she says, "My friend missed train! He did not get on!"

In the most degrading - most dismissive way - and in a New Jersey accent so thick it would make The Situation sound like Michael Caine* he says, "Hey, it's why we got a little thing called schedules. Tell your friend next time we leave at 9:01." And he just struts down the aisle.


I swear I wanted to punch the guy. I'm all for trains starting on time but there was hardly anyone else on the train. He could have at least told her what the next stop was or said something in a nice way. What a jerk. 

But for a person like me - Mr Always On Time - I wish everything ran on an exact schedule. 

(And in other weekend news I saw a homeless dude in the bathroom standing with his pants down in front of the Newark, NJ train station sink wiping down the inside of his legs with toilet paper)

(And even even more weekend news my girlfriend and I were in the Gap dressing room and she got me in such a laughing fit that when we came out this 9 year old girl was standing there staring at us with this look of, "What the hell is so funny you immature adults????)

*I don't think The Situation is even from Joisy but you get the idea.


  1. FYI the picture of the gypsy in this post is from Wikipedia. She looks like she's up to something doesn't she?

  2. I'm a transplanted Yankee (PA) livin' in the south and one thing I have to say about Yankees- they are rarely ever late. Most southerners would miss that train every damn time. Drives me crazy how these people can't be on time for anything!!!!

  3. In not surprised. You were in Jersey after all.

    And Zibsy, your"girlfriend"? Nice. Happy for you

    1. Candy -inside yeah shes great. Nobody has ever made me laugh so hard. (And hes beautiful too. And really smart. And super stylish.)

    2. .. the word "inside" on my last comment was autocorrect. Let you think i meant to say my gf is great on the inside implying she looks like a long shoreman on the outside or something. Well she is great on the inside but shes also super hot on the outside. and i mean hot baby.

    3. Damn it. And the word "let" on my last comment should have read "lest".

  4. I have to disagree with Just keepin it feel up there. I am NEVER late, I hate those that are. Good day to you sir.

  5. Jim, Righteous indignation is a sign of getting old, good thing you've got a cool chick to keep you "immature". Just messin man, the guy on the train was an ass.
    We used to have a little problem with gypsies camping out at the edge of our woods in Entrecasteux, it took several gentle threats to get them to move on. Honestly, the villagers were worse, they stole the olives out of our trees one weekend when we were away.

  6. Daiane - they stole olives?? Haha! That is so Gypsy. Did they steal your shoes too?

  7. If you're getting spammed like I am from Scott Davidson here is his email address: wahooarts1@gmail.com
