Thursday, February 28, 2013

Spammers Can Suck It! Removal Of Capchas Leads To Spam On Blogger. FIX THIS BLOGGER!

What the hell!!?? I changed my blog comments so everyone doesn't have to fill in capchas (as seen above) and guess what? I'm now getting 10 - 15 spam comments a DAY that I have to moderate and mark as spam. What the hell?

And all of the spam is to sites like online casinos and thigh cremes and crap like that. And it's obvious that it's coming from China because the comment will say something like:

"You been very good with explain of this great subject that I will share with friends. It did inform." Then they'll be a link. And there's never a "contact us" area on the website that the link goes to so I can bitch. Are they paying Chinese people per comment they leave? And why if I hit "mark as spam" can't Google/Blogger stop these comments from coming?

And I hate to go back to capchas because they're getting harder and harder to read. Damn it all to Hell!!


  1. I do no captchas and comment moderation on anything older than 10 days. 99% of my spam actually winds up in my spam folder. Occasionally something will slip through either directly to the post (if posted within the last 10 days) or into my waiting to be moderated folder. So it works for me.

    Then again, I don't nearly post as often as I used to.

  2. Earl the weird thing is that the spammers are commenting on posts from a few years ago.

  3. Yup, that's where most of my spam goes. But it does wind up in my spam folder.

  4. Earl - weird. Wish they would go to my spam folder. Hopefully it will stop after a while.

  5. Don't read the Captchas, let them speak to you

  6. My spam ends up in my junk mail. I rarely see it.

  7. Do you have any valid anonymous commentors? If not flip that on.

    I do comment moderation on 3 days, and that nuked most of the spam comments. Or I'm so small I fly under the spam-dar.

  8. i have the same set-up at big earl. comment moderation on anything older that a week. most of the spam i get goes right to the spam folder. good luck, sugar. xoxox

  9. I have the issue hence why I had to go with captcha I don't want to not allow anon comments what can you do?

  10. Execute them. Put them in the Iron Maiden.

  11. You go hell Zibbs. I try to come to America for big fun and disco and you no let me with your capcha. I paid 10 cent U.S. for each comment.

  12. I think what I finally ended up doing was to...I forget but it was horrible. Getting rid of the spam was taking more time than I had for computer use in general. I think maybe I put moderation on comments that were over some certain number of days old.
