Sunday, March 17, 2013

PJ Whelinhan's of Downingtown Are You Kidding Me? Tater Tots. Bert Stinkerstone.

ALERT:: Our civilization will end in 7...6....5....4.....3...... Above is a picture of what my daughter ordered at PJ Whelinhan's sports bar in Downingtown yesterday. "Loaded Tater Tots."

I know it's a sports bar and at sports bars they serve bar food but something about this disturbs me. Look at the picture. Pretty appetizing huh? *gag*

We went there after going to the movies by the way. And speaking of movies the movie The Call is pretty entertaining but the Steve Carrell movie Bert Wonderstone is so bad and unfunny I'm shocked they released it. If I ever see it on TV while flipping channels someday I  won't even pause for a second. That's how bad it was. Even people in the theater weren't laughing. And that's bad because there are always people in theaters at comedies that laugh extra loud just to get attention. I hate those idiots.

All I kept thinking while watching it was how uncomfortable the premiere must have been. And the actor's must have been sitting there thinking, "I can't believe I'm in this."


  1. And if you did see the movie how in the world were they supposed to be the top magic act in Vegas AND have their own theater at Bally's but their act was that cheesy with the stupid dancing, dialogue and that dumb scene where they showed what they did when bullies harassed them in high school with that trick in the locker room? Huh? Huh??

  2. Now, I can see tots done up like nachos with some melted cheese and some peppers and some black olive slices and bacon. Hells yeah! But the green onion stems (aka "scallions") and the white jizz drizzle? No way! Fo' schizzle!

  3. Something about it just grosses me out.

  4. The balls look appetizing...

    Yeah, i was thinking that Jim Carrey needs to do a Quentin Tarantino film.

  5. Candy he's pretty buff in the movie.

  6. I just saw the trailer yesterday and I didn't even recognise Jim Carrey !! I had to go back and see who was in it ! Looks like he lost some weight ; his face looked strange.
    About the stuff your daughter ordered ; is the vegan/veggie stuff ?


  7. Dominica - I read he asked to film the shirtless scenes last because he wanted 6 weeks to get pumped up.

    And there's no meat in the food but it's not vegan. Just junk.

  8. Sad! I wanted to watch 'Stinkerstone.'

    Did you ever watch 'Freaks and Geeks?' One of the head geeks wrote at least some of the screenplay for the movie.

    Too bad it sucked. You're not the first person to say so.
