Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Rascal And Fatties And Old People. And Disney Wearing Folk Too.

Is it me or are more fatties riding The Rascal (aka motorized wheel chair thingy)?

I can see if you're old or if you were injured but if you're fat I think you should have a little bit of shame riding one. I don't see that many people riding them at supermarkets but I bet in a few years more and more people will. All it's gonna take is for a fatty to see a few other fatties ride one then all hell is gonna break loose. You wait. You heard it here first. Then fatties are going to insist that all stores have these things.

And on the subject of The Rascal and old people look at the old couple featured on The Rascal website:

Matching clothes? Really? I hope when I get old the advertising isn't as old peopley. And if I ever want to wear matching clothes with my spouse please kill me. Is that something that these couples evolve into when they get older? The only thing worse than this is when you see a couple and each one has their own Disney character that they wear. Like the woman is into Tinkerbell and the dude is into Grumpy. "You know Bob. He always has to wear his Grumpy. Me? I'm a Tinkerbell gal myself."

Kill me if I ever do that too.


  1. ..and they should have had the Rascal riding chick gnawing on a turkey leg.

  2. It's even funnier that the old couple is wearing khaki and whatever you call that green, because when I worked at Rascal (Electric Mobility) the colors were red and blue. All the adds had people wearing red and blue. Maybe they're under new management?

    Also? Is it ok to wear my Tinkerbell gear when I am actually at Disney World? 'Cause I have this Tinkerbell visor that is covered in my Tinkerbell trading pins that I have been wearing to Disney World for twelve years, but now, I'm all self-conscious about it.

  3. South Park did a show about the rascal. Quite funny. It's called "Raising The Bar" and they hit the nail on the head.

    Check it out.


  4. Happy Momma - Ha! Um. I guess?

    Jenji - I will try and find that.

  5. One day I too will have a rascal of my very own. A rascal with a little orange safety flag jauntily waving as I weave to and fro through the grocers, blocking the bargain meat aisle- a string of stuffed poohbears trailing behind me on a rope. And perhaps I'll have a Piglet sweatshirt stretched across my ample bosom. .....

  6. I look down on Rascal riders from the superiority of my Segway.

    Because it makes me about 7 feet tall.

    (Okay, I don't have a Segway, but I rode one once.)

  7. I couldn't agree more. HAHA Although, have you heard about the plan my BFF and I have to retire, get jazzys and start wearing muu-muu's? Not sure how fat we will get but hopefully not too bad. I draw the line at EVER dressing like a spouse, though, and adults with Disney fixations freak me the F out.

  8. Alice - in a few years I want to start wearing a jump suit. A red one.

  9. As long as it isn't orange, you're good. haha

  10. Alice - bright red with silver trim. Big ass metal medallion around neck.
