Monday, March 25, 2013

WaxVac Commercial. YEAH RIGHT! And It's Making Me Gag!

The WaxVac. Another useless product. 

Look at the the dude six seconds in when he realizes he doesn't know how to use a Q-tip. I love these commercials for the stupid products where they show people doing regular tasks but the makers of the commercials try and make it as though the task is so impossible or hard. Like a woman struggling over the hassle of peeling hard boiled eggs*.

Now look at the same dude at 15 seconds in and the satisfaction and joy he has using the WaxVac.Yeah OK buddy.

The thing that is really making me gag though is when they show a cartoon illustration of a Q-tip going into the ear. Oh my God I don't know why that's making me ill.

So did any of you guys buy it? Come on. Don't lie. 

The only design modification I would have made would be to make it so when you have a WaxVac gun full of ear wax you could flip a switch and use it as a gun. Shooting globs of ear wax on your enemies. Am I right? Hmmmm? Right?

*OK look at this retard 2 seconds in and the struggle she has peeling hard boiled eggs:


  1. My son makes us watch the WaxVac commercial every time it comes on. He screams laughing when the guy sticks the Q tip is his ear and lets out a blood-curtling scream as if he has just been impailed on a hot fireplace poker. Whenever I hear "has this ever happended to you" on an informercial, you can be sure that the next person they show is an idiot as he either sticks a fork in his eye, cuts off his ear with a razor or otherwise maims himself with every day objects.

  2. Crotch I know what I'm bringing the boy next time I visit.

  3. Damn it! I put the wrong video on as the second video!!

  4. My kids do the same thing as Crotchpains. They laugh hysterically at that guy and call him a pussy and tell him to go to acting school because they think they could even do a better job screaming than him.

  5. Wax vac gives awesome head.

  6. Jkirf I know. Its pretty bad when kids are laughing at the acting.

  7. That egg thing looks pretty awesome actually!

  8. Chemgeek - agreed. But look at the first seen where she's struggling with the eggs. Not so hot. That's how the trick you.

  9. Don't you just stand under the shower head just right so one of the jets lines up with the ear canal and flushes you out?

  10. Scope - I only bathe in a huge barrel.

  11. I've never seen this one before ... but now I kind of want a Waxvac!

    Yeah, I know, I'm a marketer's dream.

  12. *snickering* which is EXACTLY what happens at our house when this sort of commercial comes on! and my husband always says the same thing, why is stupid so damn funny? xoxoxoxo

  13. Savannah - They never get old. I think sometimes they intentionally try and make them cheesy.
