Friday, July 31, 2009
Invention Idea For My Sexy, Sweaty Under Garments. Heat Wave.

Thursday, July 30, 2009
Hot Blogger Dedicates Nude Pic to Me...Another Hot Blogger.
I'm challenging more of you to do the same (sorry - no dudes). Come on. Live a little. To view the picture in all it's beauty click the words: Ladybug Graveyard.
*Get it - touching? Touching like you're "touching" someone that's nude. Yeah...you get it.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Great Pick Up Lines For Getting Hot Chicks.

Which ones would work on you? Don't lie.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
I Think May Have A Form of Tourette Syndrome. Who's Looking at Me?

I think I may have a form of Tourette Syndrome but instead of blurting out things, I sometimes can't stop sneaking a peak at someone.
It's usually in a public place. I love just watching people anyway so I'll take glances around. Sometimes though, if someone looks at me while I'm looking at them I'll have to look back in a bit to see if they're looking. And if they are, then I really can't stop because it then tortures me that they might be looking so I look again.
But it's not when you're looking at some chick at a bar and you're trying to pick her up. It's just this feeling that you have to look.
One time it happened in 10th grade and this Junior that was huge and was on the football team yelled across the cafe - "What the hell? You got a problem?"*
I just said, "No".
I think it just might be labeled as obsessive compulsive. Who knows?
Does anyone else do this? Am I crazy? If so, please tell me as delicately as you can so I don't get all emotional.
*Pretend that the cafeteria workers in the picture saw the incident and were just discussing it. "Did I see that dude yell at that other dude? Oh hell yeah, I saw the whole damn thing goin' down."
Monday, July 27, 2009
The First Time Getting Served. Wayside, Al Mantini's, New Haven Pizza.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Indian Reservation Paul Revere And The Raiders. 70's Classic.
Here's Indian Reservation. I used to listen to this one on 45.
Feel free to march around with a make shift hatchet while listening to it.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
This Video Is So Gay But You'll Laugh Out Loud. Bobby Lee.
Bruno did a similar thing on his new movie but whatever. It goes on a bit too long but I'll bet you'll be laughing.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Jesus Golfing? Oh Come On - He's Just Grinding. Look at that Expression.

Jesus: Now what you want to do Suzy is just swing the club like this....
Suzy: What's that thing pushing against me?
Jesus: Uh...that's a golf tool Suzy..it's called a...a divot. Yeah it's a divot.
Billy: A divot's not a golf tool Jesus. A divot is a ...
Jesus: Did I ask you to speak Billy? Do you want to go to hell? Be on your way. Now.. back to the grinding...I MEAN golfing lesson.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Do You Hate This Person Like I Do? Leave The Funny To The Pros.

When they see someone laughing at what they said, they start to laugh a bit more and nod in attempt to get the person to keep laughing because they like this feeling. Some will even do the most pathetic move which is to repeat their lame punchline, then take a look around the room again.
Now. I ask that you the reader, act it out by saying this while doing the motions I mentioned above and you'll see what I mean,
"....and how is the UPS guy supposed to get in? Through the window???" (a bit af laughter in the room).
(Go through the motions now).
"...through the window? Should he go though the...(laughter is subsiding)...look at me..I'm climbing with boxes and I'm about to go through this window here.....(motion out the square shape of a window). Hey, let me get in this window..
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hysterical Star Wars Nerd Interviews With Triumph The Insult Dog.
Brilliant stuff here:
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Dwarf On Bike - Partially True Story.

Good guess!
I bet that when the dwarf went to the bike shop he walked to the counter and said, "Excuse me, I'll take your smallest bike and your largest helmet"
Then the crabby bike shop owner turned around and said, "Sir I don't have time for your Shenanigans.....Sir?... Sir? (he looks around).
"I'm down here."
"Oh my! I apologize, I thought someone was playing a joke on me..smallest bike AND largest head". The bike owner then takes out a tape measure and measures the height of the little fellow then the circumference of his enormous head. "You weren't kidding you little rascal. Let's get you fitted. And here's a lollipop for you."
This was the beginning of a great friendship.
OK. That part didn't happen but I really did see a dwarf riding a specially made bike down the road. No crazy clown horn or anything. I swear. Just a miniature sized bike. And since many of you know that I used to be friends with a dwarf it's perfectly OK for me to tell you this tale.
The end.
Monday, July 20, 2009
You Might Hate Me After Reading This. Devil Stuff.

Picture From 1972 IS Very Curious. What Do YOU See?

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Don't Lie. You Know You Want To Sing Along To This. ABBA.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Brady Bunch, Disco and Just All Around Sadness.
And check out my man Greg dancing with those afro chicks. What a fool.
What a mess.
Friday, July 17, 2009
YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS. Corey Feldman Singing and Dancing.
I just watched this and actually turned a bit red because it's so embarrassing. You've go to watch this whole thing.
And look at the lady at 36 seconds in. Is she thinking, "Oh my God, what a Michael Jackson rip off." or "Oh my God, I can't believe how great he is."
Also, note the move at 1:44. What the fuck is this???? I'm cracking up just analyzing this crap. Jesus Christ!
And if you can't watch this at work, check it out when you get home.
Ron's Swap Shop On WCHE. You've Got To Hear This.

Thursday, July 16, 2009
Phoebe Cates And Story About This Dude That Got Caught Masturbating.

Did you now Phoebe Cates is 46 today? Where did the time go? Whenever I think of her I think of Fastimes at Ridgemont High when she was getting out of the pool. And Judge Reinhold was peaking out the window knocking out a batch by hand.
And whenever I think of that, it reminds me of a story that a friend of mine tells of when he was in college. I wasn't even there when this incident happened but I used to make him tell the story once in a while because it just cracks me up.
"So my roommate Rich used to live across the hall with that dude Mike. And Mike went to class one day..halfway there, he realizes he forgets his book. So he turns around and goes back to the room. He opens the door and Rich is standing there holding a playboy and whacking off. Rich is so completely startled and that he throws the magazine up in the air and screams,..."WHAT???"
Just the image of that cracks me the hell up.
So did you ever get busted or bust someone?
(If you want to see the trailer from Fastimes, click here - but keep your hands where I can see them you pervs)
Monday, July 13, 2009
Larry Mendte Does Understand How Important I Am. Philly TV.

So on Twitter I just followed Larry Mendte. He's a very famous Philly market newscaster.
And I get a Twitter response saying,:
"Thank you so much for following me:) Look forward to reading what you have to say."
So I'm think, yeah right. This is automated so I write.
"OK. Is this a message you wrote and you really want to hear what I say or is this automated? I'll wait for your response. "
and then he writes back:
"Unicorn collectors ARE real babies. I do want to hear what you say :)"
And he's referring to my unicorn Twitter or blog post. Either way, I was pretty impressed. He has no idea of the fame that I have in the blog world but he decided to reach out from his media to mine. And for that, I will give him credit. I will also place him in the "FRIENDS OF THAT BLUE YAK CIRCLE" and anytime he wants to bring me to lunch? I will accept.
I officially dub him an OK dude. Good luck Mr Larry Mendte and lets stay in touch.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Play Him Off Keyboard Cat and Chuck Norris.
And for the record, when he say, "It's little visitor now.." I swear I want to slap him upside the head.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Play Off Keyboard Cat, After School Special and Helen Hunt.
Jesus must be real because:
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Unicorn Collectors Probably Are Real Babies. Torture Ideas.

What about laying one of the horns on the pillow next to them while they sleep like how they did with the horse in the Godfather? Yeah that's a good one too.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Eddie Murphy On Michael Jackson. Tito Get Me Some Tissue.
It was hysterical.
Tito get me some tissue. Jermaine stop teasing.
Turkey Hill Mascot Is Creepily Excellent. Downingtown Flanders Day.
It was pretty much a Hey Diddly Don't until I turned around and saw this guy coming round the bend:
It's the Turkey Hill Turkey. Look how craptacular it is!
He was sneaking up on some kid and he tapped the kid on the shoulder and I swear the kid almost shit his pants when he turned around. Seriously. Take a closer look...
...(Are you back?) And if you don't tell anyone I'll let you in on a little secret. (Shhhh). Do you see the neck on the Turkey Hill turkey? Look a bit closer. That's where I think the actor's eyes are.... Don't tell anyone though. Especially the kids.
Now this picture isn't mine but I do have a collection of crappy mascots on my computer. The crappier - the better. Maybe I'll share them with you someday.
And one more thing. Whenever those freaks approach me it kind of pisses me off because you're supposed to play along and pretend there's really not a person inside. I usually just start laughing because it's so weird.
And sometimes flee.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy Fourth of July. Love American Style. Getting Laid.
And on that subject, look who was on this episode of Love American Style. Three cast members of Happy Days. Pretty weird.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Oh You Better Get the Party Started Bitches. West Goshen.

Thursday, July 2, 2009
You're Not Going to Believe What I Wrote on June 22nd!

Here are some more Tweets that I wrote that crack me up. Which is your favorite? Enjoy your laughter because the last one is going to freak you the hell out.
CNN reporting that Billy Mays requested all people attending his funeral speak through bullhorns.Naaa.I just made that up
short dude walking down street looks like part regular person and part midgit. i shall call him a ridgit
Guess how many amusement park rides Karl Malden had in is front yard? Zero! I shit you not! AND he never owned a chimp. EVER!!
I hereby challenge Lil' Wayne to spell the word "retarded". If he can't spell it, my case will be closed
someone..once and for all...needs to do a scientific classification of skanks. if anything..it would make a great poster.
wonder if there's a guy named cornhole Carl? but he goes by Cc....until you get to know him...
tip for foreigners. don't say your lady lips look like lips of Jimmy Carter but this much classier.
a plastic glove just floated in front of my car. that has to be a sign.
HOLY SHIT! Look at that last one! I wrote that on June 22nd!! 3 days before Michael Jackson died. Don't believe me? Go check my Tweets. Holy crap, I'm getting the chills. Maybe I'm like Nostradamus!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Six Million Dollar Man Bionic Grip And Ass Kicking.
- The bionic grip was a total rip off of the Kung Fu Grip.
- The addresses of the two kids were never made available so I could kick their asses.
Either way - enjoy:
Dude in Wolf pelt/hat is totally kickass. You know you want it.
You know you ladies want him and you dudes want to be him. Don't lie. It's not just the kickass wolf pelt. Look at the belt buckle and the necklace. He's got it all goin' on..
And wearing jeans to a lake?...my man's got some confidence!
What do you think is kickass about him?