Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Falwless - McGone, I'll See You In Court

I'm not going to let the fact that McGone from the International House of Blogcakes stole my masterpiece of Falwless then retraced it somehow - turning a masterpiece into a cartoon freak show. That's not my style. And the fact he tried to create a diversion by pulling Jon from Extraneous Kickassery into it is a whole other story. Don't you know that Jon's busy telling people he's not going to be blogging anymore? Like the one dude on Fat Albert would say, "You're ba like a teacher in the Summer - No-ba Class-Ba".
As usual, I'm going to take the high road and walk in the same way my savior Jesus did. Perhaps looking UP to gain further guidance. Did you get that clue? OK, for those dummies that didn't figure out that riddle, I've talked to a few people at the Vatican and...get it comes....THIS PICTURE OF FALWLESS WILL BE TAPED TO THE CEILING OF THE SISTINE CHAPEL FROM 2:00 - 2:15 (eastern time)!!!!!
I'm not promising anything more but if you tune into CNN or Fox today you may see a bit of coverage.
Anyways, Happy B-Day Falwless.


  1. Dr Zibbs, great Vork of Art. I've approved an extra 15 minutes of this art for the Sistine Chapel.
    P.S We may keep it there forever. I'll tell you after my 11:00 conference call with God.

    Signed, The Pope

  2. Cannot. Stop. Laughing. How the hell did he get an advanced copy of your drawing?!?!? Didn't he see the COPYRIGHT?!?!? HELLOOOO???

    Thank you so much for both my poem and this gorgeous, gorgeous masterwork. And having it displayed at the SISTINE CHAPEL? I mean, WOW!!!! Talk about a present! Did you secretly wait til everyone else gave me something just so you could top it? That's pretty smart. Well done. Well done indeed.


  3. You are my personal Jebus, Good Doctor.

  4. I knew you were gonna take the high road. I can tell you got class.

  5. Hey, American Idol steals my ideas all the time. Don't feel bad.

  6. Ahhh...the Pope. The answer to, and cause of, most of life's problems.

    I had to change the name of my blog because of McGone's blatant thievery. Originally it was "Whiskeymarie's International House of Blogmuffins", but I was too scared to fight him. You know he's 'connected", right?

  7. West Chester PA is officially dead to me.

  8. 2:00 to 2:15?
    Shit. I missed it.

  9. Dude, I think you meant the SIXTEEN Chapel. It's OK. Common mistake.

  10. Wow, hell of a time for a newbie to visit your site. I'm even more clueless than usual. Next time I visit the SIXTEEN (thanks, some guy) chapel, I'm gonna be looking for that little work of art. You better not be kidding me. I may be clueless, but I have a great memory.

    Let me know how that chat with god works out for you. If he tells you we should bomb Iran, please don't mention it to McCain.

  11. Did anybody tape this? I was working and missed it.
