Thursday, August 14, 2008

Satarical Post About Ice From New Blogger Wins Ribbon

Here's a post I read that is cracking me up. The name of the blog is called Untitled Blogger Project. It seems he's a friend of Falwless's. Even though it's from a new blogger and his name is, Words, Words, Words (A bit fishy as it sounds almost identical to the game I invented that's sweeping the land (Words, Voice, Motions), I'm gonna give this guy the Dr. Zibbs "Wigglin' Uvula Ribbon". It's a new award I just invented that's a blue ribbon that says, "Wigglin' Uvula Ribbon" and there's a cartoon monkey on it laughing and laugh sweat is shooting out all around him. If you saw it, you'd be like, "What's that monkey laughing at?"

Anyway, here's the post. It's called: Cold as Ice (but has absolutely nothing to do with Foreigner).


  1. I'm sure he'll be very honored. He is indeed a friend of mine. We've known eachother since, like, the dawn of the innernets.

  2. Question:
    Is there any over-the-counter medication that will soothe a bruised uvula? Or perhaps I should splint it.

    That was some good stuff. I'll have to keep an eye on this one.

  3. Laugh sweat?? Holy shit that's funny.

    By the way, I'm laughing pretty hard at the idea of laugh sweat but I'm not noticing any laugh sweat of my own. What am I doing wrong? Help me, doctor.

  4. Some Guy: if I saw a slint on A uvula I would puke.
    Beckeye: You need to be laughing more. Read the Super Pickle joke again.

  5. I'm honored to receive such a prestigious fake award so early in my blogging career. I'd like to thank everyone who made this possible, which includes me and possibly whoever invented Blogger. Pretty much just me.

    And just for the record, "words words words" is a Beavis and Butt-head reference and not an attempt to steal your fine game.

  6. Zibbs, If you keep giving us new blogs to read, we won't have time for yours anymore. So, when we're all over at "Words, words, words" sipping our martinis, making out with each other, and having a good larf over our witty banter, you will have no one but yourself to blame for your blog loneliness.
    If this keeps up I'm going to have to quit my job just to keep up with you people.

  7. Whiskey: It's part of my master plan. I'm making it look like I'm nice right now, but once I finish my list of who I'm able to beat up and who are the dead weight bloggers, I'm going to wage an all out war. This way, everyone will think I'm nice. Then, the selected few will live in a blog land of exclusive hysterical blogginess.

  8. I can't decide which team I'm rooting for...

  9. Although this is ridiculous, I now feel cheated that I have been sold less than premium ice!!!!!

    My desire for premium ice grows.

    Hey Doc, great link for "invented". Why no link for "laugh sweat"?

    Puzzled...... Very Puzzled.

  10. Isn't that a Prince song? I'm working...working up a laugh sweat...

  11. If it doesn't have anything to do with Foreigner, I'm not reading it.

