Saturday, September 20, 2008

Another Concert I Saw Years Ago

Cheap Trick was the first concert I went to. The year was 1979 - location was the Spectrum in Philly. I went with my friend Flare. Here's a video of Cheap Trick performing the song Surrender*. Note the intro by Ted Nugent.

I'm too lazy to look it up but I'm pretty sure this is in Japan and this performance is on their Live From Budokon album.

*Check out the strange lyrics by clicking here.


  1. Ok, now you're either stalking me or I'm stalking you. My Philly girls and I went to that exact concert. Was that you crying in the first row holding up that sign "I surrender to you Zander"? Just wondering. Anyway, I think I had my t-shirt from that concert up until about 5 years ago.

  2. Suze - where did you grow up? And who are your Philly girls? Do any of them blog?

  3. Oh, Cheap Trick, I loved them. I had a concert t-shirt from their '78 tour. I don't know where that t-shirt is now, unfortunately.

  4. Saw them a few times. Once they opened for someone (Rush maybe? weird mix, I know) in Jacksonville, FL and Zander was so out of it he could barely stand and made Amy Winehouse look coherent.

    Thanks to Guitar hero, they are one of my 9 y/o's favorite group.

  5. I love Cheap Trick! I actually used to like Ted Nugent a lot too-but not so much anymore-he's such a douche!
