Friday, September 19, 2008

To Sir With Love Is Used As A Thank You

I often wonder - with all of the admiration I get from my readers, what kind of discussions about me go on when I'm not around.

"Isn't Dr Zibbs the best?"

"What about that one thing that he said about the thing?"

"I bet he really fills out his trousers."

I know, it's hard for you people to admit how much I mean to you and it's even harder to put your thoughts into words that smarter people can understand. You know - sentences.

And I'm not only talking about the bloggers I really like, I'm also addressing the "unimportant blogs." You might not know who you are - but we do. Typing up nonsense and thinking that people are actually reading it. That's why I'm going to play Lulu singing of To Sir With Love. I'm dedicating it from you to me.

And as me, I'd like to say thank you. It's well deserved.

(I just reread this post and after realizing it makes no sense - I'm still posting it).


  1. I think that you are, in your own special way, thanking us, but you're right . . . my IRL friends now read you and we DO talk about you when we get together for a drink. There's a lot of, "Did you see what he did TODAY? That guy's a hoot."


  2. That's all right, I never can make sense out of what you're writing. Yet, I still visit every day.

  3. Aww shucks everyone. And Gwen, please elaborate about the details of what everyone says about me. Perhaps you can make it a series of week longs posts.

  4. I guess I should compliment you also Doctor. Since many say I am you then I muat be complimenting myself.

  5. Dr., you're the best! You keep me informed and happy from the laughing!

  6. I would like to second the last comment exactly! Dr., you're the best! Without you in our lives, I don't know what the fuck we would do! Don't know? I'll tell ya! We would walk around our homes all day eating dog poop! That's what we'd do! That's what I did until I found the Dr.!

  7. Well I guess we know now where your "special needs" reading base is at. Eating dog poop?

    Dr. Zibbs, I have been around this great big blogosphere. I have seen many blogs. I have loved some of them. I have laughed at some of them. I have masturbated to some of them. But nothing compares to That Blue Yak. Nothing.

    You are seriously, seriously, seriously, seriously hilarious.

    I do love you, buttercup.

  8. I may not be as bad as "anonymous" but I too, also was alone, and walked around my apartment, eating the mold off of cheese before I found the Dr. So see, each person in the world has been touched by Dr.'s "remedies!"

  9. I just got to watch the video. Is it me or is the sound off? It's very disturbing to see her mouth move but there's no sound for a second, and fitting as a thank you from us to Zibbs.

  10. This blog...I mean...the words...I don't have the words to tell you how much...(cry sniff) It just brings a tear to my eye when I think of all the mirth I have received from reading this blog. I...can't describe's indescribable. Know what I mean?

  11. I'm ready to abandon my blog and just read yours.

  12. i will tell, those school girl days.... of biting nails

  13. You do provide a service. Without TBY, the most unimportant things in the world (read: West Chester Pa)would forever remain unknown to us. How else would we learn of the inner workings of farmer's markets and produce stands, bomb scares in municipal parking lots, street fairs in rural towns that end in "ford" and "ville". Yes--I tune in to be educated and many times walk away mildly offended and very amused. Thanks---I guess.....

  14. And I'm not only talking about the bloggers I really like, I'm also addressing the "unimportant blogs." You might not know who you are - but we do. Typing up nonsense and thinking that people are actually reading it.

    It's so nice of you to mention me!

  15. As one of those 'unimportant bloggers' turning 'strictly commenters' I say nothing. Nothing at all.

    How about that?

  16. Can you believe that I know all the words to this song?!?! I know...I am amazing. Oh were you saying something Zibbs?

  17. It actually made perfect sense to me, one of the unimportant silly little people. F U douchebag. Oops, I mean, yes, you really are as awesome as you think you (snicker).
