Monday, September 29, 2008

Do The Math To See How Old The Camaro Is Today

Happy birthday Chevy Camaro. September 29, 1966 is day the first Camaro was introduced. It was the 1967 Camaro. Right after High School I dated a girl that had a 1969 Camaro. It was blue. She'd let me drive it whenever she picked me up . It was cooler than the family Toyota Corona I was driving at the time. I wish it were mine. I know - I just let you into my world by telling you that amazing story.

Does anyone have any other good Camaro stories? And for some of the nerd guy readers - don't even lie and tell me that you had some chick in the backseat because you know you were home watching the Love Boat with you parents. True stories only.

And for fun, click here to see the an interactive site about the Camaro from the movie Better Off Dead with John Cusack.

...and on other another note, the winner of the funniest comment for ALL CLOWN WEEKEND was nobody. Thanks for the comments but nobody left any comedy gold so the winner goes to McGone for his Friday comment on the post about the Carrot Boy at West Chester University. His comment:

It would really be a cherry on top if the owner said "OK, now that you have the costume on, let's practice the dance moves."


  1. How about some kick ass Chevy Chevelle stories? I've got loads of those, like the time when our Chevelle broke down and my hilljack relatives used it took power the generator to their house? No? Not as cool?


  2. **peeking around the corner**

    Is it safe to come in?

    Yes, it is. Thank God the clown phase is over.

  3. The bitchin' Camaro is all right. A college friend of mine had a '77 light blue Camaro that was truly bitchin'.

    But when I think Camaro, I think of the IROC-Z from the mid-80's. That was just an awful car driven by awful people. Hope I'm not offending anyone here.

  4. I used to borrow my brother's Camaro and rip around town and all sorts of old people would fuss and report him for squealing tires.

    Of course he did the same, so he never knew that half of the complaints were mine. Screw him, he owned a Camaro and as a Camaro owner he's by default an asshole and deserved the grief.

  5. How cool that we're both waxing nostalgic about the same era today! You've got the cars, I've got the music - we should put on our old bellbottoms and cruise around town blasting the radio.

    There is a picture of my mom's green '69 Camaro in this post. I loved that car.

  6. Hotrods give me the vapors!

  7. True story: I went racing in a Camaro on Sunday! It was on Playstation GT4, but only so people wouldn't see me driving around in a Camaro and say "hey, I didn't know Kat was Italian."

    I blame you. Your clown weekend was so disturbing I had no choice but to drive around in circles for several hours.

  8. any post that references Better off Dead is A-OK in my book!

  9. I have the picture of WFIL's camero. I believe this pic was taken in the 70's.I thought it was so rad cuz it had a phone. Who had a phone in their cars in the 70's? Send me your email address, I will send it to you


  10. My brother had a white camaro with a red pleather interior and a 6 cylinder.

    Talk about just missing.

  11. the mrs was backing her high school best friend's camaro out of the driveway and ran it up against the water spigot on the side of the house.

    My room-mate, Scott, had a red Chevy Chevette in the late 80's and he would ask chicks in bars if they wanted to see his 'Vette out in the parking lot. I don't think it paid off.

  12. Hold it. I'm still working on the math to figure out how old the Camaro is. I think I might need one of those fancy graphing calculators for this brainteaser.

  13. I won? Sweet! Makes me wish I had a funny/or even interesting Camaro story to regale you all with.

  14. I've never had a Camaro, known anyone with a Camaro and I refuse to talk to people who drive a Camaro.

    Good day.

  15. Gwen - are you sure that's a 1969? Looks like a Jim Rockford that was in the 70's.
    B.E.Earl, Slide and Step Right up - Thanks for visiting my amazing, award winning blog.
    Holy Crappers - I will be posting my email address shortly.
    Anonymous - is the "just missing" an expression you just made up? If so, I'm stealing it.

  16. That's my favorite model of Camaro. The subsequent designs never really did it for me. I loved the sounds they made idling at stop lights.

    Sorry, no good stories from me. I never had one.

  17. True story: I know a guy who drives the cheesiest IROC (I know, redundant) ever. And I know another guy who only drives Trans Ams (he honestly calls them TAs) And both of these guys make fun of Camaros. I would rather have a primer colored van with a crescent moon window and a waterbed in the back... It would be less molester-y.

  18. Dear Dr. Zibbs,

    I apologize for my absence as of late but I fucking HATE clowns. They are creepy and disturbing. And no, I never saw IT.

    Sadly, I have no great Camaro stories...


  19. That's one bitchin' camaro, bitchin' camaro, bitchin' camaro!

  20. No cool Camaro stories. However, it's enlightening to read that guys date girls just for their cars too.

    I dated a guy in highschool just so I could ride around in his fully restored 1956 TR3.

    Now that was a sweet ride!


  21. How about the family Toyota Corona you were "sharing" at the time. The same vehicle that had no reverse so you either had to park so you could pull out or make sure you had friends who were willing to push that little turd of a car.

  22. Heehee-- MO-- my hubby has a 71 heavy chevy Chevelle. He hit a deer w/ it, tank that it is, didn't mess it up at all.

    GreenEyes-- my brother had an orange VW that got stuck in reverse-- a lot.

    Turd Pinto car that neighbors and I were driving around--- and the back wheel fell off. He only had like 1-2 screws in each wheel holding it to the car!!! Tina

  23. I remember springing two strange dudes from a bat dueling Taco Bell employee one evening.

    Another evening during my misspent youth, I managed to break the rear axle in two of this infamous 1985 Camaro. Luckily, I lived to tell the tale.
