Monday, October 27, 2008

Blogger Is Giving Italy Trip To Lucky Reader

You read that right. I'm giving away an all expense paid trip to Venice, Italy to a lucky reader....Wait a minute. That wouldn't be fair. How about I give away a trip to all my readers? The destination? To the earlier days of my blog. Now you're talking. Do you really understand what kind of adventures await you by taking the entire day reading my blog? A lot.

To get you started. Read the hysterical post about the exact way that you're required to read my blog. O.K. Secure your seat belts and click here.

And don't forget to come back and tell everyone in the comments some of the amazing things you found. Seriously, stick to the amazing content you found. Nobody cares about the boring details of every meal you ate. Aloha!


  1. Because you complained about my lack of comments, here's one.

  2. Three comments on one post!? Do I win the Italy thing?

  3. Since you're recycling entire posts, I'm recycling my comments. This was my comment to that post the first time:

    "I followed your directions. I announced, "I'm about to read That Blue Yak!" Unfortunately all my co-workers heard was, "I'm about to Yak!" and now they think I'm sick and won't talk to me. Thanks a lot."

    Yup, still funny.

  4. I followed your instructions on how to read your blog and I still managed to sprain my uterus.

    Blog-reading can be so complicated...

  5. I happen to like detailing the meals I eat! Hmph.

  6. After following your instructions carefully, I now have a chipped tooth and this band of stragglers following me around all the time, waiting for the next read aloud session. I'm exhausted. Due to the hardships I have experienced as a result of reading of your blog...I think I should get the trip to Italy. It's only fair, man.

  7. Italy smells like blue yaks!





  8. LOL! Thanks for the instructions! I've been doing it wrong all this time. Now, all you have to do it visit my blog and laugh and laugh and laugh!

  9. I followed your instructions and now my legs hurt.

  10. One of my favourites is your post about the Kana commercial. It's a mad klassic!

    I'm researching funny foreign ads, so write me ( if you're interested in a writing assignment.

  11. I'm not good at instructions or people telling me what to do.

    I'll continue to read your blog the way I currently read it.


  12. Okay, that was way too detailed for this lady. I told you I have A.D.D. !

    I'm just going to have to read it MY way.

  13. Your loyal followers comments are almost funnier that your post! Sorry. I said almost! BTW I'm making the pork roast on Thursday. I'll let you know!

  14. Caffeine Court - but I have adHd. So I guess that means I outrank you by one get reading it my way. If of course you even clicked through the link.

  15. I'm still laughing at that fucking yellow jackets picture.

    Never. Gets. Old.

    Bless you, friend.

  16. and to think ive been reading it completely wrong all this time!

  17. I'm a little concerned for WhiskeyMarie.
    Is your Uterus okay?

    Damn you Zibbs.
    Look what you've done!

  18. When I first started visiting your blog, I was uncertain as to the Proper Reading Procedure. That post from August really prepared me profoundly.

    I like to refer to it every week or so, just to make sure my skills aren't slipping.
