Saturday, October 18, 2008

Young Frankenstein - One Of The Funniest Movies Ever

Gene Wilder and Peter Boyle* were great in Young Frankenstein. It's on my top 25 funniest movies of all time list. In fact, I think it's the funniest Mel Brooks movie. Since we're approaching Halloween, I thought I'd treat everyone to the Puttin' on the Ritz scene from Young Frankenstein:

..and for the brave souls who want to torture themselves by watching Taco perform Puttin' On The Ritz -click here.

*Did you know that Peter Boyle was born locally in Norristown, PA and attended West Catholic High School in Philly? Mm.hmm. Did you know that my dad went to West Catholic and is about the same age and now I have to go see if I can find my Dad's yearbook? Yup. Did you know that John Lennon was the best man at Peter Boyle's wedding? Also true.


  1. Hmmm, my FIL went to N. Catholic. I wonder if we have his yearbook. About what year?
    Dr. you are just a whirlwind of knowledge, and I thank you for that


  2. I mean My FIL went to W. catholic,,,,duhhh

  3. That is a very funny movie.

    I didn't know all those facts about Peter Boyle. He was better connected than I thought.

  4. (Touches Violin)

    It's still warm.

    One of the funniest lines ever!

  5. I still think Blazing Saddles is Brooks' funniest movie (Richard Pryor co-wrote it), but YF is an extremely close second.

    "What knockers!"

  6. Frau Blucher!
    (Horse whinnies in background)

  7. Skylers Dad - that is a great line!
    Caffeine Court - That's correct. I'm chock full of facts. You're a new reader but a recent study of my loyal readers showed that they're 5% less stupid than they used to be. The study was done by one of the crappy colleges but still....

  8. Why, I'm a full 10% less stupid than I used to be since I started reading Dr. Zibbs. Just the other day, I passed up a chance to pick my nose in public, even though I could have totally got away with it.

  9. I love Gene Wilder hoofing it and YF doing "wings". That is some classic tapping. It saddens me that style of dancing is going by the wayside.

  10. My mom went to West Catholic!

    And the "Puttin On The Ritz" scene is the funniest scene in movie history if you ask me, and I'm a Comedy Expert. Suuuuuper Duuuuuper!

  11. One of my all time favorite movies! I can watch it and watch it, and it never gets old!

  12. This is a great movie. And I agree, one of Mel Brooks' best!

  13. I saw this movie for the first time in the theatre. Still watch it everytime it comes this weekend. Can even make me laugh through tears.


  14. My second favorite scene is the one with Peter Boyle and Gene Hackman. I laugh until I hurt every time I see it.
