Sunday, December 14, 2008

George Bush Getting Hit By Shoes? I Don't Think So

You've got to admit after watching this video that George W has some catlike reflexes. To view it, click here.


Anonymous said...

I bet the secret service worked him over hard after that, haha.

Cora said...

The cat-like reflexes are a given. I'm sure this isn't the first time he's been pelted with shoes. Or worse.

Brandi said...

LOL I rolled when I watched that video. Partly because I don't like him as a president and partly because I wanna meet the guy who threw his shoes at the "most powerful" man in the world!

That takes some serious balls.

Anonymous said...

That George has some mad dashing skills ya'll.


Vodka Mom said...

sigh. I'm gonna miss that ass. or not.

Anonymous said...

Wow, he is fast!

Anonymous said...

how can you miss when you're that close? amateur!

Anonymous said...

Oh how I wish one would have hit him!!

SkylersDad said...

Whats the deep meaning behind throwing shoes? I remember when the US forces first went into Baghdad and pulled that statue of Saddam down, the Iraqi's were pounding on the statue with their shoes. It must be some sort of huge insult.

Anonymous said...

oh was that the Iraqis welcoming their liberator? bush has done a fine job, especially in international relations, hasn't he?

Chris said...

He's just been practicing at the batting cage, for adjusting to living in civilian life :)

Anonymous said...

When I saw this footage on my news, I laughed. I couldn't blame the shoe thrower.
Yes, catlike reflexes. I guess someone like Bush has to acquire them just so he can walk down the street in public!

Crys said...

totally agree, except i wouldn't use catlike but ninja

Anonymous said...

Wowsa !

Bella@That damn expat said...

I can always count on Zibbs to make me laugh in the morning.

I bet all the journalists will have to be barefoot in the next press conference!

Asphodel said...

Darn it, I hope shoes ain't gonna be banned at airports now! Though I can see a stilleto serving well as an alternative to a boomerang! Hmmm must try!

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Another proud moment for the USA and our President.

Moooooog35 said...

At last! Weapons of Mass Destruction have been found!

Trooper Thorn said...

If the objective of hockey was to not let the puck touch you, Bush could be recruited by any number of NHL teams.

Unknown said...

Methinks he has had a lot of practice dodging flying objects in his lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Hell, if he was as adept at running this country as he was dodging those shoes, we might not be in our current mess!

Talullah said...

It would have been bad ass if he would have caught one of them and threw it back and hit that guy.

Alice said...

This is great I wish it would have hit him though..

Caffeine Court said...

I love this, my kids and I watch it over and over again. It never gets old!


Ducking and weaving seems to me a skill he's had for years.

Anonymous said...

love it this is so funny give that man a medal