Thursday, December 25, 2008

Wow! I Can't Believe This Christmas Morning!

A plane? Seriously everyone. You went way overboard. I don't know who organized it but when I went out in my front yard this morning and there was a That Blue Yak plane? I couldn't believe it. Thanks!

Now I'm not trying to be an ingrate but fuel is very expensive. Are there gift cards hidden somewhere for jet fuel that I should know about?


Some Guy said...

I knew you'd like it! Sorry it wasn't wrapped.

Merry Christmas to you, Dr.!

And Happy Hanukkah also. You're right. I did forget.

Bella@That damn expat said...

Yeah, it was me.
I accept thank yous in the form of wine only.

Scope said...

I think you are supposed to strip searcg the flight attendents for them. I heard one mention she wanted you "in an upright, locked position.". Not sure what that means, but she seemed to suggest that the oxygen mask tubing was to play an intergal part.

SkylersDad said...

So glad that you liked it! My part was the old style earphones that were made of rubber tubes.

You can thank me later.

Chris said...

Don't worry so much about the gas, as the brakes. We couldn't afford any of those either.

buffalodick said...

It's used, with 3 million miles on it, only high-jacked once...

J.J. in L.A. said...

Does a pilot come with that? If not, I'm willing to take the don't need a license for that, right?

(Personal plug - my own Christmas blog involves 4 half-naked men...)

Gwen said...

If you would stop complaining about what we didn't include, you'd have already noticed H and I are inside, ready to serve as your stewardesses. Click here to see what we're wearing.

Just a reminder, emergency exits are located in the rear of the plane.

Coffee, tea or us?

Heather and Gwen

Anonymous said...

How did Santa get that on his sleigh? Just wonderin'

Mind of MadMan said...

I heard they where getting you a plane, so I now offer you a run way, hanger, and jet fuel at a "discounted" cost. Oh btw, pilots are extra.

Anonymous said...

Good evening, my name is Giggle Pixie and I'll be your flight attendant for this trip. Would like coffee? Tea? Me?

hehehe - Merry Christmas!

Cowguy said...

Ha! Check the air pressure in the left front tire... it's gotta slow leak.

Happy merriness!


SouthernBelle said...

OMG, Gwen, that uniform kicks ass! I totally need to be a stewardess on TBY Airlines!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I got a kite - and you got a whole damn plane...


Candy's daily Dandy said...

Looks like all your Christmas dreams came true!!

Lisa-tastrophies said...

WOW! Does that ever make the Chia Pet I got you look like the cheapest Chirstmas gift ever.

Elizabeth said...

I couldn't resist.

SouthernBelle said...


Lisa said...

We all went to a lot of trouble to get this for you. The least you could do is look around for the gift cards. geesh...


Anonymous said...

Very vood blogging!


My contribution was Tom Cruise as the pilot. You'll find him jumping on the couch in the cockpit.

WendyB said...

I didn't get you any fuel, but you'll find the three hookers I contributed in the on-board Jacuzzi. Enjoy!

Susan said...

I would offer something creative, but my brain is just absolutely fried from the holidays and I can't today compete with all the others above me. But I'm hopin' you'll offer cheap tickets and set up some charter vacations. If so, I'm in. That would be charming.

Distributorcap said...

all the shuttles were taken, so i had to substitute a plane...

Fancy Schmancy said...

Your gift card is in the mail, just like my crappy prize from October that you thought I would forget about...