Monday, December 1, 2008

Hey! Here's A Picture of My Dog

So here's a picture of my dog. Since there may be some stalkers that have access to local veterinarian records, I'm not going to give you his real name. Let's just call him Parcheesi. He's a Golden Lab. I wonder what he's thinking there? Probably something about bones. Parcheesi is faithful, obeys and listens to the rules. That's about it. I had this picture on my computer and thought I'd put it up.

Oh yeah, we also have an Italian American pig. I don't like him so I've refused to memorize his name.

What boring stories about your pets would you like to share?


Jen said...

He's a cutie..

What boring stories about your pets would you like to share?

this morning my kitten
used the xmas tree as a scratching post - shredding it
THEN she ripped off all the ornaments

the end

JDizzle said...

My doggie sleeps on her back totally spread-eagle. Not very lady-like but cute nonetheless.

Anonymous said...

This weekend, my cat bit me in the neck. For no particular reason. Yes, it's a boring story when you're reading it, but when you're laying on the sofa with your eyes closed, relaxed and almost asleep, petting your cat and listening to him purr, and then he suddenly chomps down on your neck - it's anything but boring.

McGone said...

We've got a yellow lab. Absolutely adorable, but last night her gas threatened to kill us while we slept. That's all I got.

Michelle said...

My friend has three cats that live right outside her house!!! She has made them a little house outdoors and it is very adorable!!! Whenever i see the three cats they like to stare at me all at the same time!

My friend calls them "The Katz Family"


Anonymous said...

my cats piss everywhere. I give up.

Bella@That damn expat said...

My cat loved to go on rides with my dad. He would sit up in the passenger seat and purr. My dad even trained him to pee before leaving.
Not so boring, eh?

Anonymous said...

Meatball had a heart attack and died 2 summers ago during a heatwave. Poor guy was only 3. English bulldogs aren't known for their respiratory systems.

SouthernBelle said...

Awww what a lovely dog! I like how old dogs have white muzzles.

Like JDizzle's dog, ALL my pets (male and female) love to lie on their backs, legs spreadeagled. We call it "Hello boys".

Gwen said...


Who's a good boy? Parcheesi is! What a good boy!

I have two cats, both boys but fixed. The oldest is an elegant grey tabby named Max and the youngest is a rotten little shit tuxedo cat named Skylar. The expression you will hear most in my house is, "F***ing cats! I swear to God!"

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Lovely pup you have there. He looks very happy!! I love labs!

"Luna" has discovered she likes to lick our pillows? I have no idea why?

Salt deficiency maybe?

- Jennifer

LYDIA said...

What a pretty pup

Shieldmaiden96 said...

My cat's breath smells like cat food.

And cat sphincter.

Sass said...

I thought you said dong.

I'm not an animal lover.

SkylersDad said...

Years ago when my dad left to go on a cattle drive, we adopted a stray yellow mongrel. I grew to love and respect the old hound, until one day after a scrape with a rabid animal I had to put him down.

But maybe I am just remembering something else, the old brain cells ain't what they once were...

saratogajean said...

I thought you said dong, too.

Oh well.

My dogs eat my dirty underwear if I don't immediately wash it.


Unknown said...

Am I a bad person for not owning any animals? of the four-legged variety anyway.

Dr Zibbs said...

Skyler's Dad - Dots a Good Von!

Anonymous said...

I barely ever remembered to feed my kids so my wife has banned me from getting a pet...

Anonymous said...

He's gorgeous!! I love dogs. And cats. Birds, not so much.

My cat has taken a shine to the Christmas tree and now spends at least 3 hours every evening laying underneath it.

At least he hasn't taken to peeing under it. Yet.

Whiskeymarie said...

My big boy cat, Troubleman (aka Mudbutt) stepped in his own poop in the litterbox yesterday so we had to chase him around the house trying to get the incredibly stinky poo off of him and my furniture.

So yeah- I spent a fair amount of time yesterday wiping my cat's butt.

Anonymous said...

My dog, my baby, Rosie can tell time . She is very smart.


Caffeine Court said...

You have 78 followers!!! Damn, I'm really lagging behind.

Of course you know I have TONS of boring pet stories.

Last time a lady came to pick up her daughter from a playdate my dauchund mounted her child's leg and started humping her. It was really awkward. Pets do the darndest things!! Now I have to go clean up cat piss in the basement.

Talullah said...

Looks like every other yellow dog I've ever seen although I am impressed with the Italian American Pig. I had 2 of them when I was a child until a neighbor dog ate them while we had them outside in a pen on the ground. Not that I would suggest leaving yours outside unattended to romp around in the grass....I'm just saying.

SouthernBelle said...

Tallulah just reminded me of my friends that lived out in the bush, that raised huge numbers of guinea pigs only to have more or less all of them eaten by goannas.

Candy's daily Dandy said...

That's a beautiful dog Zibsy! I have three too many. Buddy-my boxer, Amos, a Jack Russell and Jingle a Pug! They are wonderful and naughty all at the same time-they are truly a pack.
They follow me around where ever I go. Everyone in the house calls them "my posse".
As much as I bitch and complain about them, my life would be boring without my posse.

Son of a Thomas said...

I have had up to 23 (yes 23) dogs in my house at one time. I currently have 10. Only six of them are ours. I also have 3 cats. Don't see the cats much

Vodka Mom said...

My dogs are barking like crazy at someone in the back yard and I am ready to SHOOT them.

buffalodick said...

Get an Airedale, and you will never be bored again... Attention span of the common mongoose, brain size of a walnut... on our third- makes my brain the size of a hickory nut I guess...

H said...

Lovely dog Zibbs. I have a pup and a cat myself. Funny story here

I am too lazy to retype it.

Cora said...

My landlord won't let me have a dog or cat. (sniffle). So I just have a hoard of snails my kid adopted from her science class. We started out with three. Now there are about 80. (sigh). Stupid snails having more sex than I do, I hate 'em!!

But then there is the family I nanny for. They have a 90 pound black lab who totally LOVES me. Complete devotion. He never leaves my side. He gives me goo-goo eyes and everything. I sneak him doughnuts and cake and sew him toys. So, he thinks he is MY dog, not theirs. (Hee hee hee). It's like The Hand That Rocks The Cradle!! NEVER trust the Nanny.

Is that boring enough for you?

Dale said...

My cat lives with me in my house.

Anonymous said...

My English Springer Spaniel, Luke, sits down on his haunches and swings his head side to side between his rear legs. We think something is going on in his mind like this:

"Looking for balls, looking for balls, hey lookit me, looking for balls....OH MY GOD!!! I HAVE NO BALLS!!"

He's pretty flippin' stupid.

Renaissance Woman said...

He is very cute! My little Fred is experiencing Christmas for the first time this year...and he is in love with the tree skirt. Wrestles it and carries around the house!

Fancy Schmancy said...

What a cutie! I may have already milk-boned that bisquit dry with stories of my pets. I'm going to save them for when I've got nothing on my own blog.

Bizarro said...

With careful photoshopping you can get an address off of the dog's tag.

Good luck, stalkers.

Slyde said...


i was afraid that that link to an italian american pig was going to do directly to my site...

Elizabeth said...

Your pet is cute.

I haven't got any pets, so I'm going to pretend he's my pet, too.

~E said...

Used to share a 120lb American Pit Bulldog with an ex. Read that as 7lbs heavier and about 7 inches longer/taller than me.

I refused to walk her without my bf anymore after she dragged me 3/4 of the way down a hill one night before one of the neighbors heard me screaming and chased after us.

Not boring but that's all I got.

Anonymous said...

It's a nice pet photo.

J. Hi said...

I have one cat that likes to pee on my clean laundry and the other cat, who is 16lbs likes to sleep on my head.

Miss Alex said...

Your Pet is Super cute...

Moderator said...

What a good wuttle boy! And the dog is cute too, Dr. Zibbs.

words...words...words... said...

Parcheesi looks like my old yellow lab Bailey. Does he have a blog called "That Yellow Dog"?

P.S. I'm eternally grateful that you didn't say "dong".

Dr Zibbs said...

WWW - if I ever do show a picture of my dong, it will be after someone wins an all out bidding war.

Izzy said...

I'm pretty sure my cat's bipolar ...

Chris said...

He's found the cure for cancer. Now he just sits around sad, because he realizes he can't communicate the solution to us. Everytime he tries, someone either takes him out to pee or tells him to quit barking.

J.J. in L.A. said...

My brothers found a mutt and we each put a name in a hat. My dad's choice "Ram Rod" came up. Mom didn't think it was appropriate so we chose again. You guessed it, Ram Rod got drawn.

I'd had surgery and was in a full-length cast. I was on the phone one day, sitting on a chair with my casted leg extended. Ram Rod came over and...started humping my leg! I yelled at my brothers to get him off but they were laughing too hard to act.

From then on, we'd say, "This is Ram Rod and, believe me, the name fits!"

ÄsK AliCë said...

Aw your puppy is adorable!

My kitten played with some rolled up paper today.

Unknown said...

I always wonder in what language do dogs think? Is it like "bark bark bark" or what? Its mind boggling.