Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Here's a Christmas Message From Me To You - Kind of

So Chris from the blog Some Guy's blog has done a Christmas video message to all of his blog readers. Since we have many of the same readers, please view his Christmas message here and pretend it's from me. If your name is not mentioned by him, simply say it out loud at the end.

If you're Jewish, Happy Hanuka. I'm not sure if Chris is anti-Semitic, is afraid of Jewish people or he just forgot. He probably just forgot. If you celebrate Kwanzaa, you receive no holiday wishes as that holiday is just stupid.


  1. It's just not the same, doc.

    Merry Christmas!

    Give your blue nana a kiss for me!

  2. I tried what you suggested, but since I have a sprained imagination it hurt too much.

    Merry Christmas Dr, have a great one!

  3. MERRY CHRISTMAS DEBBY! Why thank you.

    Wow, that was nice. Thanks Dr. Zibbs!

  4. I've only started hearing of this Kwanzaa a couple years ago. I know nothing of it.

    I'm going to start another such holiday. Boobs and chocolate are at the top of my brainstorming list so far.

  5. Huh, your using HIS Christmas wishes video as yours? That's a tad lazy don't you think?

    MERRY CHRISTMAS ANYWAY!!!! I know you've been nice so you should get a loot of good stuff this year!

    - Jennifer

  6. Hello
    You spelled Hanukkah wrong!!! It is not Hanuka!!! It is how i just spelled it. There are other spellings but this is the one i prefer so please use that at all times!!!

    Thank you

    P.S. Happy Merry Christmas

  7. Michelle, maybe the blogger spell checker doesn't like Jewish people because I think it told me to spell it like that.

  8. I don't mind getting my Christmas wishes second-hand as long as there are gifts.

    There WILL be gifts, right?


  9. You shouldn't have, but I really appreciate all the time and work you put into that beautiful piece.

  10. Merry Christmas, Dr. Zibbs. May all your dreams be of Gwen and not that weird high school guy!

  11. So do you always listen to what blogger spell checker tells you?? Perhaps, you should think more outside the box that is blogger!!!

    I'm just saying!!!

    You rock by the way!!!!

  12. I can't wait to go home so I can hear your special message! Merry Christmas to you, too, by the way.
