Tuesday, December 2, 2008

I Need Myself A Cool Catch Phrase - TV Style

I think we can all agree that I've earned myself the right to a catch phrase. Everyone's talking about it. Here are a few I've come up with off the top of my head. Remember to say them aloud. If you don't, they're worthless.

- "Let's rub butts" (starts rubbing butt on person)

(pause) is TNT."

- What am I talking about Willis?" (accent on the word "I")

-(With eyes wide open in horror)
"You want to put what?? Where??!!"

- (looking into camera)
"I'll take it from here!" (grabs closest chair or door and starts humping)

- "Now I've seen everythin'!"

- (shrugging)
"Doctor's orders...now where's my stefascope" (wink, pause, then thumbs up, pause then head nod)

I think I'll pick one, have the phrase sweep the nation, then when they want to do a sitcom, they'll have to use me because I'll own all rights to the phrase. Once again, I've got all the bases covered.


  1. Catchphrases started by my friend Al and I in school:

    "Don't blame the fish!"
    "I'm not Terry Wogan!" (Terry Wogan is a terrible Irish TV presenter)
    (While holding groin in pain)"Ow! My Spermatism!"

    Why we were not more popular in school, I do not know.

  2. Hold on - what about all those "Start snappin' you fingers" T-shirts and bumper stickers I had printed up?

    Hey, here's a new catchphrase: "I got boxes of that shit!"

  3. Why mess with a good thing? "Google This" and "Start snappin ..."

    If it ain't broke, right?

  4. McGone and Kimmie, I didn't know that "Start Snappin' You Fingers" was so loved.

  5. "Let's rub butts" is *my* catch phrase!

    I vote for 'What am I talking about, Willis?'

    But only if you point to your self with both thumbs when you say I.

  6. I say just give them your best "O" face and let it go at that!

  7. Yeah, I, too love the "Start snappin' you fingers!" Mainly because it has a typo and leave it to you to have a catch phrase with a typo and leave it like that because you're lazy.

    I love it.

  8. A catch phrase? Are you having a laugh?

  9. Holy Catchphrase, Batman.....
    My favorite catch phrase which I probably use way to often is Yabbadabbadooo. I say it several times on a daily basis

  10. I like the last one but think you should just add it to the ones we already know and love like "TBY: Google It" and "Bubble Up" and my personal fave, "Start snappin' you fingers!"

    There aren't any rules about this kind of stuff, you can have more than one.

  11. - (looking into camera) "I'll take it from here!" (grabs closest chair or door and starts humping)

    Why is it that all guys hump shit? The couch? The corner? The wall? The dog? Me?

  12. Lydia - that's a very, very complicated question but I think I can answer it. It's more easily explained visually. I'll catch the next plane to Utah. Please have a car waiting.

  13. All of my good catch phrases can't be repeated on broadcast TV. Sadly.

  14. When we were young, my cousin and I were at a party, stoned and there was an all black cat named Sheebee. For years after, every time we saw each other we'd high-five and yell Sheebee Black! When she moved back to my state in our late 20's she tried to get the catch phrase going again, but I'm happy to say I resisted it.

  15. I like, "I got BOXES of that shit!" That ought to catch on.....

  16. I love them all, I can't decide. Or just go with mine: "Let's take off our pants."

  17. I'm just posting a comment because I've been delinquent these last few days and I want to show my appreciation for everything you do. Catchphrase. No catchprhase. It matters not. You'll still be master of ceremonies. And that's the lock on the fuckin' door! (A catchphrase you can have.)

  18. Just another tidbit. When I see guys hump chairs (or a couch, whatever...) I usually look at them and think, is that what they look like when they 'DO IT'? All uncoordinated and odd looking?

  19. Some Guy - Thanks my friend.
    Lydia - that's a great question. I will address that in a soon to be written post.

  20. When making a hard decision I like to say "I think no, but my nipple's telling me yes!"

    But that's just me.

  21. Thanks Zibbs - you have been an answer to my prayers.

  22. I'm merely posting a comment to show that I can still post comments sometimes.

  23. Dude What UP?

    That's mine!!!

    Don't steal it!!


  24. Saratogajean - As for the "Let's Rub Butts" comment where you said you always say this too? We must have special bond because I've been saying this for years but I've never heard anyone else say it because I thought it was just so weird. Then, the other day I did see it written on someone's blog and thought it was very odd. It was probably your blog. To make it up to you, let's rub butts if we ever meet.

  25. My catch phrase used to be:

    ...and stuff.

    I would append it to the end of any given sentence. Then I decided to change it to:

    ...with mayo?

    It didn't stick, but I thought it was the shit.

    It's over there....with mayo?

  26. I'd like to refer to that as H.O. double T.

    You're welcome.

  27. Grammatically incorrect catchphrases have a history of success. "Why Can't Us?" worked for the Phillies. Therefore, give "Start Snappin' You Fingers" a chance.

    That said, my runaway favorite from the list is "I'll take it from here!"

  28. How bout

    My asscracker needs fixin.

    Someone asks.....Zibb's, how was your Thanksgiving.....Zibbs says...my asscracker needs fixin.

    Would you like fries with that, sir? my asscracker needs fixin.


  29. You kind of strike me as a "bada bing!" kinda guy.

    Or maybe you could bring back, "Where's the beef?" And then you could point at your groin. Yak "meat" is still beef, right?


  30. Sista # 2 and Giggle Pixie - hahhahahaaa. Both of these had me laughing!

  31. I was all set to vote for "google this" until I read "my asscracker needs fixin'".

    I couldn't repeat it to my wife for a few seconds because I couldn't stop laughing.

  32. I dunno, I always kinda pictured you like Kramer from Seinfeld, so I think your catchphrase should be "Giddy-up".

  33. Hang on, Zibbo.

    What happened to "Bubble Up?!"

  34. "Start Snappin' You Fingers" is good and multi-purpose, but it lacks an import Dr. Zibbs quality.

    It doesn't pimp for your blog!

    Therefore, I think you will just need to toss 'Yak' in places, like:

    'Yak it up!'
    'Yak off!'
    'Yak me, 4$$H073'

    'Yak' will become like the newer, cooler 'Smurf'.

    Or I've been drinking again.

  35. Ah I LOVE "Lets Rub Butts"! PLEEEAASSE pick that one it just brings a smile to my face!

  36. Instead of "That blew!" or "That blew donkeys!!" we could go with "That blew Yak!"

  37. I think just yelling ZIBBTASTIC oughta do it. Kind of like Jimmie Walker's Dyn-o-mite.
