Friday, December 12, 2008

Old People Forced To Do Things Against Their Will

Listen to this dream I had last night that I'm totally not making up.

I was given the job of running a TV show where old people are put into a retirement home against their will. Really pissed off, cranky old people. And the home is almost like a concentration camp. Then, the old people are told that to get out of the home, they have to get in teams and compete against each other. All the teams have to form Spanish speaking pop groups and perform. The thing is, they have no talent, they're racist, they don't speak Spanish and they're all just really pissed off but they'll do anything to get out of the home.

And get this, the name of the show is called Shazam! I have no idea why. I don't control my dreams. That's just what it's called. Pretty weird huh?


Candy's daily Dandy said...

A wise blogger named Zibbs commented on my blog about dreams the other day and said,

"I don't believe in dream analyis for the simple reason that shared symbols would have to be shared by humans without even discussing them first - like their ingrained in us".

Does this mean that old people are ingrained in your subconscious? I'm not really sure about the dream analysis thing but if you look deeper, this dream could possibly mean that somewhere your sympathy for older, cranky pissed off people manifested itself into your secret desire for a TV expose on the indecencies of old age home living. The Spanish speaking pop group thing I see as your own special brand of Zibsy spin-for entertainment purposes.

I'd be exhausted after that one.

Anonymous said...

I feel like this dream is probably prophetic somehow. Who wants to take bets on whether or not Fox introduces this show next year?

Caffeine Court said...

Dude, you simply must stop eating those little dried up mushrooms before you go to bed!!

Some Guy said...

I agree with Tova. Put this on TV and I'll watch it. It sounds a hell of a lot better than any of the other reality shows.

Gwen said...

Hey! You made it to 102 followers. Congrats! Weren't you staging some sort of hunger strike until you got to 100? Well, you can eat now! And I bet the crazy dreams about Bea Arthur stop after you do.

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Wow, you have really detailed dreams. That's probably because your smart!

Happy Friday!

- Jennifer

dmb5_libra said...

lay off the acid man.

Anonymous said...

How many times do I have to tell you....Do not smoke crack before bedtime.

This is what happens...


Talk With No Thought said...

OK that's weird, I had the SAME EXACT DREAM!

SouthernBelle said...

That is great. Good work, Zibbs's Subconscious!

I have weird-ass dreams all the time, where I wake up and go, what the hell was that?

Like when I dreamed our tenant who lives next door had a giant lizard and it attacked our cat, and when I woke up I was all mad at her, like "Look out for your damn lizard, bitch!"

SkylersDad said...

My dream last night was quite similar, but all the old people had some type of amputation.

They resorted to beating each other with their prosthesis.

Cora said...

That's even better than my Jurassic Park dream where I fed my ex-husband to the T-Rex.

Cora said...

On second thought, no it isn't.


words...words...words... said...

I actually have this show in development. It's going to be way better than "Battle of the Network Stars". It's hosted by one of the Oak Ridge Boys. I'm not sure which one, though. I just said "Get me an Oak Ridge Boy!"

Bella@That damn expat said...

Sounds like middle age crisis.

katrocket said...

Now that's quality TV I can believe in.

Divine Chaos said...

ya know, Zibbs, there are so many times I want to comment on your blog .. but just like this time, my first thought when get to the comment box is -

I just have nothing for that

Elizabeth said...

Pretty weird, Zibbo! Especially since you and I know there was already a show called "Shazam!"

Dr Zibbs said...

Words, Words, Words - another good one.
Divine Chaos - the important thing is that you left a comment.

Anonymous said...

Have you been dipping into the magic mushrooms again???

Anonymous said...

I'd watch that. I watched the original Shazam! so why not a completely unrelated show with the same name and a way more fun premise?

Tash said...

Very surreal dream. My dreams are vivid, but they're often realistic scenarios. Hence, waking up, looking at my then boyfriend who was reading in bed, and calling him a jackass.

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha. Your subconscious should have a blog.

Fancy Schmancy said...

Zibbs, write the script, I'll have my people call your people!

Bombchell said...

Ha ha ha I think u've been watching too many commercials.

Mostly Emril's & that one with old people with strong teeth.

u know the one where the guy fixes the bent fork etc


I don't believe this was a dream.

I believe this was a premonition of what's to come in your future. In fact I think you are psychotic errr... I mean psychic.

Alice said...

Zibbs, Are you taking some kind of medication.... sounds like the dreams I have nightly lay off the crack

Chris said...

Wait a second, whatever happend to that pork shoulder you were cooking?

Back to this post: You aren't coming down with Grant Miller's liver spot fetish from last year, are you?

ÄsK AliCë said...

I think this dream means you have a fear of small animals

Michelle said...

This is way better than going for a 6AM long run on a Sunday morning!!

I may have to take a valium and go back to sleep to see what i can come up with in my dreams!!!


Miss Alex said...


Spoony Quine said...

Ha ha ha haaa! Dreams like that are so awesome!! I love 'em!

Come to think of it, I am reminded of a real event: One night when I lived in the ghetto, a friend of mine was on the front porch and heard a high-pitched, "Help, help!"
` He went over to discover this old man who had apparently jumped out of the second story window of the retirement home next door, who was disoriented and spoke about being abused.
` Nevertheless, he helped the old man walk back towards the doors, while the old man said; "Let's hide in here. They'll never find us now!"
` Not entirely funny, but whaddaya expect, it's a ghetto.