Real Story About My Dad And Nirvana
So I just heard Nirvana and was thinking about this real life conversation that happened with my Dad years ago.
Me: Dad did you hear about Kurt Cobain from that group Nirvana? He killed himself?
Dad: (Shocked) What?? Oh my God. What happened?
Me: He shot himself.
Dad: Oh my God. I was just watching a concert of his the other day on TV and was thinking how great he was.
Me: (Shocked) You were?
Dad: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I told your mother that the next time he comes to town we should go see him.
Me: (even more shocked) Nirvana?!
Dad: Yeah. He was great! You don't think he's good?
Me: ..Uh..No. I do ........ they're great. I just can't believe you like Nirvana. So you would have seen them in concert?!
Dad: Oh yeah. It was great. I was watching the concert and couldn't take my eyes off of it...with the symbols over here..and he's got the string instruments over here..and he's orchestrating the thing like...
Me: Dad. Was the concert on PBS and did the guy have long black hair?
Dad: Yeah.
Me: Are you talking about Yanni?
Dad: Yeah. Yanni.
From that day on, we've referred to Yanni as NirYanni.
And now a shout out to my new followers that are helping me reach my goal of 100 followers. Check out their blogs. You'll probably find something you like.
#89 is Cowguy - representing Missouri. Funny post up now about toys to avoid at Christmas.
#90 is "." - her blog is Fried Sandwiches Better With Mustard. Super cool layout over there.
#91 is Alice from Mindless Ramblings of a 26 year old. I think I know who she's related to.
#92 is West Chester's John Young. His blog is Tikaro.
#93 is the blog Talk With No Thought. Cleveland rocks!
#94 is Crys from Cleary Crystal. You can see actual photos of her. Very easy on the eyes if you know what I mean.
hee hee. Your dad sounds so cute! Good story.
aw, thank you. :)
NirYanni. that is priceless.
I think you and I must have the same father.
He used to tease me about my crushes on "Rick Springsteen" and "Bruce Springfield."
I love NirYanni. Yep, both of them. How odd is that?
SPEAKING of Bands. Along with being a cattle rancher & furniture maker, your new #89 "Cowguy" is an excellent musician.
Jace plays in a band and you'll have to go over there and listen to his stuff he has posted.
HAPPY THURSDAY! Almost the weekend *Tink*
- Jennifer
Priceless. Old people are so fucking stupid.
I mean, precious. They're precious.
Hey Zibbs, Dad could have lioked Nirvana. I like all kinds of groovy tunes like that fifty cents fellow and Ludicrous and even Little Wayne! Sassy fan, heh, you have to be cool in my book. Yanni was once married to that Dynasty chick Linda Evans, I always thought wow that must be a prima donna household full of incense and crystals. I am follower 96! YEAH!
Yanni freakin' rocks out!!
ah hem....
Great post El Zibbness, sounds like my Dad, kinda.
Lookit Jennifer pluggin me. Okay kiddo, you're back on the "A" Christmas list.
NirYanni! Haha! I love it!!
Sass - you think that's bad. My dad still occasionally calls my brother-in-law Greg. His name is Craig.
Robot Nine - I think you're dead on with the insense and crystals. Dead on. Also, I love your blog.
I have the opposite problem. I had to take my 50 year old mother to see Nine Inch Nails for her birthday.
mixing up Yanni and Nirvana, that is spectacular. I wish my parents were that out of it. My mother blasts AC/DC in her van. Jesus.
I seriously can't quit laughing. That? Is awesomeness.
When my father drove me off to college so many moons ago, I popped Quadrophenia by The Who into the snazzy cassette player. After 4 or 5 songs, he started with "Your older brothers and sisters used to listen to such good music. Whatever happend to Led Zeppelin or The Who?" After I told him that this was The Who, he stayed pretty quiet the rest of the ride.
Niryanni.. awesome..
Now I know where you get it.
I'm #97! I'm #97!
Reminds me of the Guiness World Record orgy thing I was involved in back in '87.
Good times. Good times.
Don't knock Yanni until you have heard him "plugged"...
was that a picture of Kenny G? i always get them confused.
Your dad sounds hilarious! At least it wasn't John Tesh! :)
haha. how one mixes those two up is hilarious to me.
Wow Just Wow.... you should have played some music for him, it would be the only time he would have listened
was your dad drunk? i don't know how one can confuse yanni and nirvana....
yeah 100 man... thats me, the c-note...
Franki - Kenny G has the stupid long black curly hair while Yanni has the stupid long black straight hair.
Alexa - he probably mixed it up because Yanni and Nirvana both have the "Onn" sound.
Haha, too funny!
You know what, I would actually like to see Yanni.... Nirvana too, but sadly I am too late for that.
You made it to 100 followers!! Hurrah!! Hurray! Congrats!! When's the party?
Hey! Us old guys like cool music too! I still remember when Mozart opened for Albrechtsberger back in '74...1774 that is. Hell of a concert - lol!
I like Yanni. I've seen his stuff on PBS. Cutting edge stuff.
I love family stories, you can always bring them back up and rub them in their face.
Yea, I didn't even know I could be a follower since I am on wordpress. But I am one now. But too late I guess. I'm 101. You know what.. that might actually be better...
Check it out -- you're at 101 now!
Way to go Zibbs!
Holy Cow 101 Followers. Congrats! Can't wait until your book is released!
- Jennifer
I'm a big fan of "Smells Like John Tesh".
What's even more sad is that you knew he was talking about Yanni.
Kurt always looked so damn dirty. I don't think he ever bathed.
I like my men clean..and shotgun free.
Your dad was adorable. My dad didn't even know what PBS was, and if you didn't see him on Hee Haw he probably wouldn't recognize him. Gah!
That. Was. Awesome.
I figured there was a miscommunication, especially if your father is anything like my parents.
Didn't Yanni go out with or live with Linda Evans? Wonder what happened to her?
Maybe your Dad knows.
easy mistake! they kinda look alike.
I can't for the life of me figure out the connection between Yanni and Kurt Cobain. It's like that game where you try to figure out the connection between the play-on song and the guest on a talk show.
I just had a diabolical idea: UNfollow you! That would mess up your count!
Maybe Yanni could front the other two members of Nirvanna, that would AWESOME!
or not.
I guess Mom's been prepping for the concert given that she's stopped shaving her pits.
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