Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Tenacious D Double Team - Check This Out

A few readers may know that I'm a major Tenacious D fan. Jack Black is brilliant. Not only have I seen them in concert a few times but I was a huge fan before they were even widely known. This was when they had shorts on Mr Show. And I might add that I used to stand up years ago in Philly with Paul F Tompkins . He's the MC in this video and a Philly area native.

If you haven't seen all of the Tenacious D shorts, rush out and either get the Tenacious D DVD or the Mr Show DVD's. Comedy gold.

Also, their first album is not only hysterical but musically? ....Kickass..

Here's one of my favorite songs from the album - Double Team.


Andrew Rodriguez said...

Doc Zibbs,I have the Tenacious D complete masterworks and a Mr.Show DVD....I got a feeling if we compared playlists on our iPods there would be a lot of overlap!

Dr Zibbs said...

Andrew R - I think you may be right.

Some Guy said...

I couldn't agree more, Zibbs. They are TIGHT! Oh, and all those people up the-ere at city hall. They're fuckin' it up for people that's in the streets.

By the way, did you see I found that one commercial you were thinking of? Check my blog...

Dr Zibbs said...

Some Guy -Excellent. City Hall! I know every word of that album. Will check your blog out now.

Anonymous said...

I loved the film.... not sure I loved it enough to buy an album though..

Anonymous said...

I own a Tenacious D t-shirt.

You love me even more right now, don't you?

Swedish Chef said...

Well how many can you do?... You mean Cock Pushups??... Yeah...I mean I guess one Oh is all you need...

I worship the entire catalogue of Cain and Jables.

Dr Zibbs said...

Tova - that's exactly what that means. I have two tees. A generic one and one with two pistols that's says, "Explosivo".

Crys said...

i'm retarded for the D. they are coming to Chi Town next Summer at the House of Blues. omg yay.

LYDIA said...

You don't always have to f*ck her hard, in fact sometimes that's not right to do. Sometimes you've got to make some love, and f*ckin give her some smoochies too.... Sometimes you got to SQUEEZE! Sometimes you got to say PLEASE!

Jennifer and Sandi said...

Love Jack Black! That's for turning us onto Tenacious D. Will have to check them out more!!

Happy Thursday D!

- Jennifer

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Wow again! I'm getting all hot and bothered coming over here. I'm going to come back later when it's really late and no one else is awake. Isn't that what all your female readers do?

SkylersDad said...

My absolute favorite Jack Black moment was the parody he did with Sarah Gellar of Lord of the Rings.

Gwen said...

I can't see the vid here at the office, but I loved Mr. Show.

Dr Zibbs said...

Lydia!! You're a fan!
Candy - yes - that's what all the ladies do.
Skyler's Dad - I've never seen that? I'll have to find it.

LYDIA said...

haha! I love that cd, of course I have it! I got it from my little brother Paul - that is what brothers are for :)

180360 said...

JB is a genius.

Alice said...

I LOOOOVE the D they are great!!! My fav is "Tribute" I can listen to it over and over and think of the story of Beowulf when it comes on.

Anonymous said...

I dunno, I still think "fuck her gently" is my fave

Anonymous said...

You know Paul Tompkins? I know his brother, Mark. In fact I'll probably see him on NYE.

Small world!

Dr Zibbs said...

Kimmie - Small world indeed. Last time I saw Paul was at a comedy show he did in Philly last year. I never met mark but maybe he was there because Paul said a lot of his family was there.

Micgar said...

You just need to fuck her gently..