Thursday, December 18, 2008

That Blue Yak Crappy Gifts For Sick People Stockpile

So I was reading Queen Goob's blog, This is my be it, and I came up with an idea for this post. It's called,

The That Blue Yak Crappy Gifts for Sick People Stockpile. You see, most people don't want to actually buy a gift for charity. But what if you didn't have to actually buy one? I'm proposing that we make a list of gifts that MIGHT be given to some sick people and we just send the list to a place where sick people are. Maybe, just maybe, some rich dude will see the list and buy all of the presents for the sick people. Who knows?

And why waste really good things on sick people? They're probably going to just cough on it anyway or something. And it's the thought that counts right? So the crappier the gift the better.

So what you do is:

1) Pick a crappy gift for the That Blue Yak Crappy Gifts For Sick People Stockpile and post it on your site.
2) Pick 5 bloggers that you think might want to open their hearts and pick a crappy gift.
3) Link back to this post.
4) And if you really want to get into heaven, write, "I POSTED A CRAPPY GIFT" in the comments section of this post so we can see the crappy gifts you picked.

So my crappy gift is:

A Hitler doll. I'll make sure to break an arm off so it's less collectible. And the 5 bloggers that I'm choosing to pass this tradition on are:

Queen Goob

Skyler's Dad

Merry Christmas!


Gwen said...

I'm in! But I need some time to put thought into my crappy gift. I'll post it tomorrow, or later tonight.

Great idea! I feel charitable already.

Queen Goob said...

Wow....I had no idea Hitler was a boxers man. And those support socks? Yummylicious!

I have an idea so look for it tonight or tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the Hitler doll is also a Longhorns fan. Just another reason to hate Hitler.

LegalMist said...

Dr. Zibbs, you've outdone yourself again! Your generosity is absolutely astounding!

Robot Nine said...

Ahhh, Longhorns fan, thankfully, as I thought he loved KISS. I will try to join in after work today, maybe one of the horrible toys on my Robot Nine post a few days ago.


Talullah said...

I had no idea Hitler had a smokin hot chest.... Whoda thunk it.

BloodRedRoses said...

I may have peed my pants a little laughing at the Hitler doll.


Greta said...

OMG. Hitler's looks amazing.

Anonymous said...

Umm... why is Hitler saying "I love you" in sign language?

Jennifer and Sandi said...

I'm sick.....can I receive a crappy gift?

No really, I really am sick :(

Happy almost the weekend!

- Jennifer

Megan said...

Thanks for stopping by. =)

Dr Zibbs said...

Jennifer - I'll send you a gift through the power or Reiki. Ha. Like that works. I'll try anyway since I like you.

SkylersDad said...


Alice said...

I posted a crappy gift

~E said...

I posted a post about your post.

Youre welcome!

Anonymous said...

It'd be much crappier if he was in tighty whities and black combat boots.

But what an awesome idea, btw!

Scope said...


Izzy said...

A naked Hitler doll ... yeah, I'd have to say that's pretty crap-tastic!

Gwen said...

Hey, goombah, I did my homework.

Queen Goob said...


Cora said...


(heaven, baby!!)

MJenks said...

I posted a Crappy Gift!

words...words...words... said...

Wow, Hitler must have great taste in music if throwing the devil horns is any indication!

Some Guy said...

I posted a REALLY crappy gift.

Susan said...

I guess I owe you thanks for now being somewho tagged to find a crappy gift for a crappy sick person. I'm working on it...but wanted to thank the source of this one.

Susan said...

And actually, it's not a regular habit to spell like a fucking moron on my first posts to new finds... really. I sware.

mike said...

You know what would be a really crappy gift to give to a sick person? Something FUCKING AWESOME that they can't pick up for 12 months. (you know, because they wouldnt be around in a year to get it. that would be a crappy gift.)

Anonymous said...

I think I forget about the part where I mention here that I posted a crappy gift!

. said...

I posted a crappy gift!!

Joe said...

I posted a crappy gift. It had balls

Mnmom said...

I posted a crappy gift

The Lady Who Doesn't Lunch: said...


Spoony Quine said...

Saw the Hitler doll and wanted to say that I think Hitler is cute in doll form. And cat form.