Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Really Stupid Kid Asks Question About Pubic Lice

So when I saw my friend "The Child" over Christmas I made him tell me one of my favorite stories about being a middle school teacher. And it goes something like this:

The Child: Some of my students are so fucking stupid you wouldn't even believe it. So we have someone from the board of health in and she's talking about pubic crabs. And she has a picture of it on the overhead projector.

Me: Uh huh ...

The Child: ..and remember now, the screen is about five feet by five feet. So the lady is talking about the how you get crabs and all and my dumbest student raises her hand...ooooh....oooooh!

Me: Uh huh...

The Child:...And do you know what her question is?

Me: What?


I swear I love that story more every time I hear it. The visual of someone having crabs - a crab - the size of a Saint Bernard is the funniest thing in the world to me. Is there a way to hide that you have a crab? Do you have to wear super large pants to hide it or is it easier to just cover it with a huge garbage bag or bed sheet?

(Hitting imaginary kid on the side of the head) Stupid!


slopmaster said...

I assumed you asked him if he thought the kid was joking, cause I used to ask the dumbest questions on purpose. I found it hilarious but teachers thought I was an idiot.

Idiot savant!

Cameron said...

That would be a thousand times harder than trying to hide your fifth grade boner that you uncontrollably got back in the day.

Erin Alberty said...

Is that a St. Bernard in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Anonymous said...

Good lord! If that was actual size, the damn thing would be demanding it's own lunch menu!!!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha! That is fantastic!!

Keeper Of All Things said...

Too funny

Susan said...

That big and it would be like a built in vibrator! Holy shit!

LegalMist said...

Seriously funny stuff, Dr. Zibbs!

BTW, I posted a small promo for your "zazzle" blue yak stuff on my blog. I am sure all 18 of my readers (including you) will rush right over and buy a mug or t-shirt, so be sure to send me a commission check when you get rich.

I was sort of assuming you'd be happy to have a shout out, from just about any source, but if I'm wrong and you want me to take down the promo, just let me know.

Happy Wednesday, Dr. Z!

Chris said...

But if they WERE that big, you could break their legs off, sprinkle some Old Bay Seasoning on them and toss them in the steamer with some corn and potatoes.

SkylersDad said...

Asking if a crab on an overhead projector is the actual size is really stupid.

Is that photo on your blog the actual size though?

Sarah's Blogtastic Adventures said...

Nice. I love teachers.

Gwen said...

Holy Mother of God, those things are disgusting.

Reminds me of that old joke about getting rid of them by shaving one side, lighting the other side on fire and stabbing them as they jump across.

Michelle said...

I don't know what these crabs are that you speak of!!!

I eat crabs!!! Soft shell!!!

Are they one and the same???


Dr Zibbs said...

Skyler's Dad and Gwen - DOTS A GOOD VON!!

Son of a Thomas said...

Kid: "Are thoes actual size?"

Health Teacher: "Actual size of your momma!!!"

Good story. Sorry I got nothing.

Vic said...

The presenter should have said yes.
Now that would be an effective health lesson.

Caffeine Court said...

I'm with Vic. Maybe they SHOULD tell the kids it's actual size. That'll teach them to keep their pubes clean.

Now I'm going to click.

Cora said...

(laughing at Skyler's Dad!)

Are we sure that child wasn't being sarcastic? How can a middle schooler be THAT stupid?

greeneyesmcl said...

I love "The Child"!

Cowguy said...

They just SEEM that big.

*not an authority*



Scope said...

While not a teacher, I did do a tour of duty as a camp counselor for "gifted" kids in college that were 5th, 6th, 7th, & 8th. "Yes" even the "bright" ones can be honestly that stupid.

And that is life size. Why do you think MC Hammer had to wear those pants?!?! That's why you couldn't touch it. It was infested!

Dr Zibbs said...

And for the record, I did ask as well if she was just being sarcastic and the answer was, "No, she's just stupid".

Candy's daily Dandy said...

Is this the stuff my kids are learning about in Middle School??

Horrifying in any size.

alexa @clevelandsaplum said...

are you SURE that's not the real size?

diane said...

They are only that size before you jump into the pool.

Greta said...

Just one more reason I'm a staunch advocator of the brazilian wax.

Crys said...

wow, that's the only thing that made me laugh all day. well done.

i just keep picturing someone walking around with a huge crab wrestling around in their jeans. and not knowing it. needing to be DIAGNOSED.

omg scandal

Crys said...




After reading this I'm really glad I'm old enough to have gone to school back in the days when they didn't discuss pubic lice nor knew it existed. YIKES!

Syam Ahmedarino said...


Moooooog35 said...

Wait...'re telling me it's NOT supposed to be this big?

Dr Zibbs said...

Crys - I put word V back on because I was spammed last week. Badly.

Fancy Schmancy said...

(Channeling Homer Simpson)

Uuummmm, crabs. With melted butter...

J. Hi said...

Of course it would be easier to find out who you got the crabs from.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Just stopped over from Diane's at Cooking Blind! She's right, this is a hysterical post!

I'm off to read more!
