Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Blogger Does Video of Putting On Makeup.

So check out this video of the blogger E. I'm a long time reader of her blog and she's read mine for a while too.

Great to finally see her. (Even though she has shown a few clips but none this revealing).

While you're there, make sure to follow her blog because it's a good one.


  1. No problem ~E - Thanks for reading my blog. And who knew you were so pretty?

  2. And one more thing..Hey everyone - look away. I'm talking to ~E..

    ..Jesus Christ are you people nosey.

  3. Neat video E! I only discovered make up like a year ago and DANG! It is like salve for a weary soul.

    I like to use a heated eye lash curler and loreal lash extender mascara. Makes the eye lashes all insta-babe and everything.

    wait, why I am not putting these comments on your blog?

    sorry zibbs, forgot where I was for a minute ;)

  4. that was not nearly as revealing as I was hoping. you tease!

  5. Checked out and added, oh wise one.

    Ps: I felt your butt while you were sleeping ... feels fine to me *shrug*

  6. It makes me glad to be a man. You know, shave, almost get all the shaving cream toweled off and head out the door.

  7. Foiled again....I figured by 'video' you meant exotic strip tease.

    I will follow E in anticipation of the strip tease video down the road

  8. A well done 'how to' and she is very pretty!

  9. You always talk about getting to see other bloggers. How come we never get to see you Zibbs?

  10. Zibbs: Im visiting you yet again. Going thru all your old blogs I missed while I was lenting.

    And wow...people are even nice to me on YOUR blog. I mean, the perfect opportunity to snipe at me behind my back and instead you all re sweet and stuff. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.

  11. P.S. wholeheartedly agreeing with Greta. AND Cowguy.

    Will I be seeing a shaving HOW TO from the great blue yakker sometime soon?
