Sunday, April 5, 2009

Girl Interupted Makes Me Happy. And Prunella DeVille. Blog Love.

I've got a very important announcement. I've got to tell you that I love blogging more than ever. And I love the people that reach out to me. Not all of them. Some will reach out and I'll pretend that I never got their emails. But then there are the super stars that have blogs that are so great and their comments are so funny that I really wish I could meet them in real life. One is an English blogger I've mentioned recently called Girl Interupted. In a recent post she wrote:

"Dr Zibbs of the infamous That Blue Yak ... because there's no denying it, he's quite simply "The Daddy" of all bloggers and no respectable blog-party would be seen dead without him in attendance ... plus he wouldn't want to miss all the pudding-wrestling "

What a wise gal. The link to the post is here. And I may steal the idea she did for this post because it's great and I was kind of thinking about doing a similar post anyway.

Then, you've got the blogger Prunella DeVille. Also hysterical but has a different style.

And do you know what? They're both beautiful! Funny and hot. Do you know how rare that is? It's the deadliest combination that I know of.

I just really love when bloggers reach out and say hi. Especially the super talents like these two.

And on a side note, there are many blogs that I read that aren't funny, they're just really interesting. Which is great too. It just so happens that these two are super interesting AND funny. If you don't go and bookmark their blogs now - you're crazy.


  1. I'm going to check them out-- they do sound deadly and I'm scared, but that's what makes it fun right?

  2. I haven't been to Prunella's blog yet, but Girl Interrupted's virtual party was so much fun to comment on, that I was actually tired in work today. She's a total blast.

  3. Funny AND hot ????

    I been living in the wrong city
    Ha haaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!

    Going to check oput the links ;-)

    Hello from SpeedyCat

  4. Funny AND hot ????

    I been living in the wrong city
    Ha haaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!

    Going to check oput the links ;-)

    Hello from SpeedyCat

  5. I know how you operate Zibbs... you're a therapist I bet... Reverse psychology. You (aside from really liking these great blogs) say they are hot so other girls get jealous and everyone is fighting to be #1. on your blog... I know how you operate.... Or I've just had too many fine wines at dinner tonight... Oy. someone pray for my hangover tomorrow..... LOL

  6. I recently discovered Girl Interrupted, in fact, she discovered me, and she's brilliant. Did you see the Snow White post? Incredible.

    She's wrong though. I'm the daddy of all bloggers.

    I reckon you're the wayward godfather...

  7. Ah Zibbs, you big flirt. Thank you for the shout out. I'm incredibly flattered to be included in the same post with Girl Interrupted. She rocks! As do you.

    Also, it's good to know you can be easily bribed with a naked photo or three. ;b

  8. Wow! Thank you Dr Z :) I'm extremely flattered!

    And the adoration is totally mutual

    (the cheque and video footage of me making out with Pru Jones is in the post, as agreed)

  9. Zibbs you seriously are the biggest flirt ever. You could win some type of award for it.

  10. The real pitched battle is to be the "idiot child of all bloggers", that one could run and run.

  11. Miss Alex - there should be no jealousy. I do think they're hot. And I think you're hot too.

    P Jones - thanks for the dude pics. I thought about them all weekend. You know the way to my heart. Maybe some of the other bloggers would like to take a cue from you.

    (looking all innocent)

    I don't know.

  12. What can I do to make you love my blog Dr Zibbs, given that I'm not, you know, a laydee?

  13. Isn't it a great feeling when a blogger mentions you? I get all goosebumpy and look around to see who knows how great I am only to discover I am home alone again.

  14. What!?! My boobs aren't big enough for you?

    I'm working on it.

  15. I loved the take on that photo that they did in the Watchmen film.

    That is all.

  16. Mr London Street - I will check out your blog. And just wondering - do you have a wife or girlfriend that isn't afraid of nudity?

    BE Earl - I was thinking the same thing when I put up that picture.

  17. Prunella Jones is quite possibly fricken brilliant!

    Good call Zibbsy!

  18. Candy - she is brilliant. I forget how I found her. Through a comment she left on someone's blog. Who can rememember? She's fascinating!

  19. Going over there now!! Thanks for finding more funny and hot chicks!

    Happy Monday!
    - Jennifer

  20. I'm here to make you happy too. I just ordered some cookware thru your Amazon link. You're welcome.

  21. One step at a time Dr Zibbs, I'm still trying to talk her into the threesome. Let's not run before we can walk eh.

  22. I'm going to go check out your homies now! Thanks for the links!

  23. ATTENTION EVERYONE! - See what Kimmie did there? Thanks Kimmie.

  24. Zibbs, you rock consistently. Good to see you getting some props. I will check out Girl Interrupted di-rectly.

  25. Kurt - thanks. And not to seem like I'm into myself but I've also been known to roll.

  26. Bookmarked AND Bookmarked!!!

    Thanks! I am always looking for hot woman bloggers to read before bed!!!


  27. Hey Zibbs. Did you get my email? I wasn't sure if you got it so I sent it out 20 more times. Haven't heard back yet. Maybe I'll just email you again.
