Sunday, April 5, 2009

Shaun of the Dead Is On Right Now. Horror Movies

Quick! Change the channel to Comedy Central. Shaun of the Dead is on. It's almost over but maybe you can go to the video store and rent it later. It's a horror movie AND a comedy movie. And the kicker? Everyone talks with an English accent.

I saw it in the theater and it's pretty good.

Any good horror movies you can recommend? Another recent horror movie I love is The Hills Have Eyes.


  1. i am a horror movie fiend, you can check out any of these for a good time:

    'the strangers'
    'high tension'
    'the descent'

    and there's also 'bug' which i'm not sure if it falls into the horror category but it will definately freak your mind away

  2. "Shaun" is pretty funny for a zombie movie!

  3. Shaun of the Dead is one of my favorite movies. I could watch it over and over and still laugh my ass off.

  4. You have excellent taste, Dr Z. We're very proud of Shaun of the Dead

    I love horror films, the older the better, and even more so if they have a comic element to them. Two of my faves are "An American Werewolf in London" and Polanski's "Dance of the Vampires". Good stuff.

  5. Lana, I saw the Descent - loved it. Never heard of High Tension. The Strangers is on my list.

    Girl Interupted - I'll add Dance of the Vampires to my list. I don't think I've seen that. "Vampires" is my fav vampire movie. The Catholic church battles vampires.

  6. I'll watch any of these any time they come on:

    'Cabin Fever'...because it's so gross.

    'The Thing'...1982 version.

    'Event Horizon'...underrated.

    'Pulse'...2006, not great but not terrible.

    'High School Musical'

  7. Brian - Cabin Fever. That's the one I was thinking of but kep calling it the Cabin. Saw that one in the theater. Loved. it!

  8. I love 'Shaun' and the 'Evil Dead' series.

    'The Hills Have Eyes' creeped me out, and so does 'Silent Hill'

  9. I have two favorites, both by Dario Argento:
    Deep Red
    They are gorgeous! And really well done without the aid of high tech special effects.

  10. We really liked Shaun. Most others I have fallen asleep through so I can't really say. Was that Fun and Games (or whatever?) horror? It was sick so I walked away without seeing the end.

  11. Mella - hellooooo there and welcome to me blog.

  12. When I was young, there was a movie called "Bad Ronald", he lived under the stairs and spied on the owners.


  13. Love that show..mainly cuz I walked around and pretended I was in that movie after it came out. I was Shawn instead of Shaun though..a vast improvement in my own mind. Crazy people at work weren't as into it as I was...I think it was because they were cast as the zombies.

  14. Shaun of the Dead was so funny! I liked that it was a comedy so it was not so frightening to me. Because I am easily frightened!!!

  15. oohhhh.. The Hills Have Eyes.. nasty and yet horror movie satisfying!

    I am still a huge fan of Dawn of the Dead.. I prefer the original.. but the remake was not too bad. The good part of the remake.. they could keep up with a moving vehicle! *shivers*

    A good friend of mine recommends Zombie Strippers if you want something zombie and yet comical. I have not had a chance to see it yet. =]

  16. I don't know if it would be considered a horror flick, but 'Am American Werewolf in London' is a classic! And David Naughton? YUUUM!

  17. The original Japanese "Ring" films are creepy as heck too, if you don't mind subtitles

  18. If you were wondering how to pick my family out of a crowd, we're the people repeating our favorite lines from Sean of the Dead loud enough for everyone to hear.

    "It's electro, prick."
    "I ran it under a cold tap!"

  19. I'm glad I saw Sista's coment. I was just telling friends about "Bad Ronald" yesterday and nobody knew what I was talking about. It doesn't take much to scare me. Even lame movies like "Race with the Devil" or "The Car" scared me because I saw them when I was a kid.

  20. "If all else fails, head to the Winchester!"

    Loved this movie and I'm going to watch it again!


  21. Chake - I'm a big baby too but I'll torture myself by going to the movies at lunch when there are only 2 other people in the theater.

    Bes way to see a horror film.

  22. I recently saw Quarantine...let me save you the $4 or $5 bucks it might cost you to or re-watch the Lion King

  23. Carrie. That pig blood scene always freaks me out.

  24. Shaun of the Dead effing ROCKS. Loved it, and love their accents!

  25. Shaun of the Dead has to be one of my favourite movies.
    Hello, it has zombies and clueless English people.
    Loves it!
