Monday, April 27, 2009

Marijuana Joint Not Found at Downingtown Movie Theater.

To the kid that was working at the Downingtown Regal theater and cleaned up the theater after I saw the movie Knowing yesterday. And he saw a joint sitting in the cup holder that I left. So he slipped it into his pocket then went into the bathroom to check it out more closely.

But then when he was examining it in the stall he realized it was just a twirled up napkin that Dr Zibbs just twisted because when he goes to the movies he does that as a habit. Especially scary movies. And it looks exactly like a joint.

My message to you is this:


Now get back to work. You missed some popcorn I dropped under my seat when the alien looking dude opened his mouth and scared Nicholas Cage.


  1. Is that a childhood pic of you?

    I bet it is ...

  2. "and when I say tame I mean screw"


  3. HAHA!

    Man. I bet he wanted to cry when he realized it was a napkin.

    If it had been a joint, he'd have definitely gone for your popcorn next. ;)

  4. You paid to see a Nicholas Cage movie?

    And the kid who works there is the sucker?

    Yeah. Okay.

  5. I would have to be high to go see a Nic Cage movie in the theater. Accidentally stumbling on one at home is enough for me to crave drugs.

  6. Ahh, good old Nice Cage. Remember when he made Coen brothers movies and seemed all quirky and dripping with cult-like cool.
    Now we have to be on drugs to sit through his movies. Or at least twirling napkins.

  7. Awww, Zibbsy. That's so cute. Picturing you there twisting up your little napkin like a wittle bitty scared boy...

    Do you need a hug? ;)

    Love it.

  8. Sass - thanks. A hug would help. And you might as well throw in some grinding as well.

    Just to be safe.

  9. That is too funny! Wish I could have seen the look on his face when he got to the bathroom!

  10. Better watch it, he'll pee in your soda next time.


    Hee hee hee.

    Dr Love-- oh! I mean, Dr Zibbs; is that YOU when you were a kid?!

  12. Cora - the kid's not me.

    I am Jesusy so maybe I'm closer to that pot Jesus.

  13. I knew you were going to say you were Jesus in that pic!!!!


  14. Cora you know me well.

    Oh...gotta go. I've got some walking on water to do.

  15. Are you sure the alien looking dude WASN'T Nicolas Cage???

  16. For anyone reading this, click in the Vegetable Assasin's blog (see her right above this comment)

    Some very funny pictures are on her blog.

  17. Zibbs, you know how I feel about Nicholas Kim Coppola "Nick Cage"... I hope he chokes on a knife or gets advanced stage bullet poisoning.

    He even ruined "Leaving Las Vegas" and that even had the chick from "Adventures in Babysitting" topless...

    the above is relevant.

  18. Jesus? I thought it was the 'unibomber' smoking out. You know, before he went all nuts...

  19. I roll oregano joints when I watch movies at theaters just to trick the punks.

  20. Now that was just mean. Maybe, just maybe he was sticking that rolled up napkin up his nose.

    Poor kid thought he hit the joint jackpot and then nada.

    You seriously went to a N Cage movie? Did you wear some sort of bag over your head so the WestChesterions did not see you?


  21. hehe N. Cage... *New Orleans accent* 'Put tha doobie ... in tha box'.

  22. Nicky boy was good in 'Raising Arizona' and...

    I'm out.

  23. Poor little dude must have been so totally stoked! Then so totally bummed. Dude...

  24. You couldn't find a more Hells Angels looking Jesus if you tried. I bet he sold his joint to that little boy.

  25. Is that a nervous habit? A twitch?

  26. you're a cold hearted bastard.

    that's why I love you.

  27. bwahahahahahahahahaha!

    Friggin hilarious! Good one Zibsy!

  28. I have a whole bunch of Joint at The Theater stories, but I, uh, don't remember any of them. Haha.

    Actually, one time we were drinking in the back row and rolling the empty cans all the way down the sloped floor, so the usher guy kept going over to whoever's foot or chair it hit with the flashlight to try and solve the mystery. Funny stuff.

  29. I take my ticket from the deli counter, the one you take to wait in line for service, and roll it up and roll it some more. I wonder if anyone has tried to smoke my ticket? If I was desperate I would smoke my ticket.

  30. Mike - I've done that many times.
    Good times.

  31. His poor day was ruined. Sigh. Mine would have been.

  32. You smoked BEFORE you saw the Nicolas Cage movie, right?



  33. @Girl Int.
    Was thinking just the same !!

    @Dr Zibbs
    Nicolas Cage still smoking hot and sexy ?

  34. Is that what you call a boobie-trap doobie?

  35. thank you for the spoiler. now I really don't wanna watch that movie.

    You saved me 11 bucks. SWEET!
