Friday, May 1, 2009

Fat Bottomed Girls. Queen. Bloggers And Dr Zibbs.

Happy Friday. The Friday Send Off Song is dedicated to Phat Mama since she mentioned me in a post. I'm not really sure if she's fat or not so no disrespect but the song is Fat Bottom Girls by Queen.

Why don't YOU mention me in a post. Give it at try. Don't be shy.

Crank it up and enjoy! TGIF!

215 bloggers and growing. Slowly for some reason.


  1. I've mentioned you aplenty, so I'm going to go ahead and assume this post does not apply to me.

    Happy Friday, Dr Z

  2. You and me go way back Zibsy..

    Freddy Mercury was a vocal King amongst Queens.

    Nice pick Dr.

  3. I've mentioned you twice, and you're even on my sidebar.

    That reminds haven't started making your monthly rental payments yet.

  4. Yo, I've mentioned you plenty, yo.

  5. Ah, Zibbsy. Your group of followers will grow at a slower and slower rate as you reach the finite end of your growth. Your blog, my friend, is a victim of Zeno's Paradox.

  6. Yayy, I love that song! And thanks so much for mentioning me.

    I have put a picture up on my blog, to show no disrespect was taken. :)

  7. Funny you should post Freddy. I was just watching/listening to a mechanical Bohemian Rhapsody over at Evil Genius' place.

  8. JJ and Diane you've both gotten shout outs.

    Unless the spreadsheet in my head is wrong.

  9. At my first wedding (yes I know I've been married, divorced and have four children with two different me...just perfect for Jerry Springer or a therapist) we didn't have a DJ so my best friend made up all the music herself and we had hours and hours of the best music in the world to get drunk to. She had called up our friends and asked them to pick songs that reminded them of me for the it was nice to hear which songs each person there thought reminded them of me, till 'Fat Bottomed Girls' came on! I was shocked, demanding to know who had picked that song!!! Turned out it was **drumroll please** MY DAD!!!!!

  10. And for that I am truly grateful. I didn't know what a shout out was until you came along. xo
    You're going to love this word ver.



  11. Maybe you could flip the blog upside down and grow it like a topsy turvy and get better results.

  12. growing slowly because you stopped being funny as soon as you became obsessed with your followers number.

    you've peaked.

  13. I'd like to mention your blog and name, but after this uh oh, oh no ....
    I'm not waiting for 'Big girls, you are beautiful' .... from Mika or so ...
    Thanks but no thanks !!

  14. Poor Freddy (blessing myself).

