Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Questions About People That Stand Outside of Today Show In NYC. Al Roker.

Just a few questions about the retards that stand outside of the Today Show with their signs:

- Do they make their signs before traveling? And roll them up and consider it carry on? Holding it like precious gold the entire way?

- Or perhaps the first stop they make in New York is to a drugstore so they can pick up sign making supplies.

- Do some of the signs have even worse sayings on the back and even crappier handwriting because it was their first draft?

- For years to come, do they tell tell the story of how their sign made it onto The Today Show for 3 seconds and Al Roker almost made a comment about it until he saw the "Super Moms from Michigan" sign.

And lastly, do these people have any idea that there's much more interesting things to do in New York?


  1. * putting marker and posterboard away


  2. Well some of the signs look like they really took their time with them those I think were made before they left....others look like they were in some kind of hurry and you cant hardly read I think those were made last minute maybe in the taxi ride over to the show. Thats just my opinion...maybe you should email the show and ask them to do a segment on the subject...and then we all will know the answer!!!! Subject line..."Curious minds want to know...when did you make your sign????"

  3. Al Roker is fine but my favorite weather man is Ollie with the Black-u-weather forecast on Family Guy.

  4. They are cardboard cutout people made to look real. It works.


  5. Earl - if Al Roker frightens you then get ready to hide under your bed.

    On Talk Soup the other day he was talking about when he "used to be" fat and he woke up in the night to give his daughter a bottle. He said he wasn't wearing a shirt and that his daughter tried know...I just can't even bring myself to say it.

    I can't get that image out of my head whenever I see him now.

  6. ....OK..she tried suckle him...

    Awwww Jesus I can't believe I just said it.

    I gotta go...

  7. Euw euw euw Zibbs (at your reply comment to Earl!)
    Thanks for that.

  8. Speaking of weather men. Jim Cantore is HOT. ANYWAY..........

    I agree with Dena. Your in Marketing... work your magic over at NBC and get them to do a story on when the dorky signs are made.

    Have a Watery Weather Wednesday!! (that's only because it's raining here and you wouldn't understand)

    - Jennifer


    I imagine it was a little something like that.

  10. I'm working on some man-boobs of my own Zibbsy.

  11. I love Al Roker and you can all kiss my ass :) Regis too!

  12. Way to dis my dream dude. Sheesh.

  13. Shawn - as long as the sign mentions TBY I won't make fun of you.

  14. I can't stand the Today show; watch GMA and they started to bore the hell out of me.

  15. J Hi - I think the word suckle makes the TBY list of top 10 creepiest words.

  16. Did you know in some obscure cultures, men use their nipples as a "binky" to keep their little brats quiet? Why else would men still have nipples? Thanks for bringing this very important topic up. I've been waiting to share that useless piece of information for years.

  17. Fancy - I will NOT tolerate lying on this blog. Please admit that you made this up just to get attention.

    Please. I'm begging you.

  18. Oh GOD!!!! and I came here to leave a silly comment about the idiots holding signs. Now I can't get the image of a black man-boob being sucked on by a baby. Nightmares...where's the vodka??

    Help me Jebus

  19. Thanks for searing that Al-suckling-baby image into my head! Where's my hot poker?

  20. i always wondered about that too..

    especially when those idiots do it on new years eve, or any other day thats 10000 below in the city..

  21. I've heard that the audience do not make the signs, publicity people do - and hand them out

  22. How about that one OLD motherfucker that's been out there EVERY DAMN MORNING FOR YEARS ???

  23. The comments have taken over the post!
    First, why did Al tell that man boob story? Let's hold something back, people. There are just some things we general public do not need to know.
    Suckle is a great word.
    Publicity couldn't make those signs. Some of them look like they are on the back of hotel bills!

  24. Heff - I have no idea who that is.

    Debbie - I agree. People are bringing those crappy signs themselves.

  25. I usually miss the morning shows. Today I was at the doctor's office and saw the Today show. I have to agree with all you've said here.!
