Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Gayest Star Trek Video. Spock, Kirk - Pulueease. Downingtown.

If you've had "finding the gayest Star Trek video" on your list - go about your regular chores because I found it.

Also, I did see the new Star Trek movie this weekend in Downingtown. It was pretty good. Wasn't great but it's worth seeing.

Did anyone else see it? What did you think? As I said on Twitter (follow my gripping words by clicking the sidebar icon) I really liked the dude that did Spock. The Kirk actor wasn't too bad either.


  1. I just watched this again and need to go whip it out in front of my wife to un-gay myself.

    So excuse me.

  2. Fine, but once you're done whipping it out in front of your wife, Zibbs, check out THE GAYEST HARRY POTTER VIDEO EVER. ("I didn't enter" slays me every time!! Hee hee hee.):


  3. I'm no fan of the Trek, so really can't relate. That, and my kid is sitting next to me. If I play a video he'll want me to go to youtube and play a bunch of his faves.

    Does simply whipping it out help? I would think you'd need insertion to truly un-gay. Better yet, a little suckie suckie. But that's just me.

    Man, I really need to quit drinking and commenting.

  4. If I thought I hated Star Trek before, that just confirmed it. Editing-schmediting, that dude and chick groped each other with Star Trek hands.

    Just googled it and realized that it's called the Vulcan salute.

  5. I loved the Star Trek movie. It was funny, great characters, and faithful enough without being slavish. It was just plain fun. And anyone who liked Chris Pine as Kirk should rent "Bottle Shock", which features Mr. Pine and Alan Rickman. It came out last year and was ignored. It's pretty good.

  6. Ha ha ! That was one of the funniest YT edits I have seen! Too, too gay!

  7. That was great! I always knew there was something up between Spock and Kirk. Haven't seen the new movie yet, but can anyone outdo Leonard Nimoy???

  8. Ask Alice - "that dude"? That dude was Spock...

  9. Wow, that was almost as bad as Brokeback Mountain, except I don't feel quite as dirty and queasy as when I watched the movie.

  10. Even without the editing, Spock has enough eyeshadow on to convince me.

  11. My best friend's first crush was Spock.

    She'll be devastated when she finds out he's gay.

  12. You are wrong about the movie. IT WAS AWESOME.
