Monday, June 8, 2009

Dream Machine That Someone Should Invent. Mexican Gang.

I've always had really weird dreams. So weird that I think some people think I'm just making it up when I tell them.

I wish someone would invent a machine that could be hooked up to someones brain and record their dreams. Then you could watch them like you're watching TV. If they did, here's what you could have been watching if you were tuned to the Dr Zibbs Dream Channel last night:

I was in Mexico and I was trapped in a car. I couldn't get out because these dogs were trying to attack me. The dogs finally left and I was able to get out.

Once out of the car though, this gang approached me and they said they were going to kill me. They walk away to prepare themselves and this weird guy approaches me and tells me that I (like him) have the ability to transform into any creature thus helping me defend myself against the gang that's going to kill me.

So the weird guy says, "You can change..just like this"...

He spins around and all of a sudden he looks like Santa Claus. But a disheveled Mexican Santa. Proudly he says, "You see, when the gang comes back, do you really think they're going to want to kill Santa? .....Thinks about it."

I remember thinking.."What the hell?"....

Then I woke up. True story.


  1. ....and oh yeah. It was in one of those crappy dust filled towns of Mexico like you see in the movies.

  2. Wait, I had the same dream last night. Is that weird?

  3. WendyB - it's completly normal.

    But that's me saying it.

  4. No more chalupas for you before bedtime.

  5. I like how the gang had to walk away to prepare themselves, you must have bad ass Ninja moves.

  6. You do have interesting dreams, Zibbs. You should write a book about them.

    The other night I dreampt I went to a strip club with Prunella and a gang of guys in big hats came over and were trying to get me to buy nachos. I swear I'm not making that up!! Do you think it was the same dream gang?!?!

  7. that is a crazy dream!!! Lately Ive been having some real strange ones too...last week two of my dreams I killed someone...YIKES!!!! Since Im so NOT the violent type!! I often wonder what makes us dream the things we do??

  8. The other night I dreamed I observed my ex-wife and an old college budy flirting in a parking lot. When I approached them to see what was going on, it turned out it wasn't my friend but Friedrich Nietzsche.

    When will the medication kick in?

  9. That is really weird... I have weird dreams too they never make sense

  10. Cora - I am writing a book. It's called my blog.

  11. It's really weird that you're talking about your weird dreams... I just had a dream about a blogger I haven't met in person, and he and I figured out how to get around these "logic boxes" the govt made us wear... it was intense and totally nuts. But cool.
    I really, really would love to be able to view my dreams, later, on a television or something.
    But I just might be put away...

  12. Sybil Law - was that blogger.......

    Please say yes.

    Please say yes.

  13. In the 70's my uncle had a van with "Dream Machine" painted on the side. Cool. I know.

  14. Son of that's something I'd like to see a photo of.

  15. Umm HELLO... I twittered you and told you I had that same dream but I was in Ireland. WAY weird. And the guy turned into a Leprechaun and not Santa Claus... but the Mexican's were there and that confuses me...

    From: Hot Girl in Hills at Costco today! :)

  16. Being trapped by dogs means you are under financial pressure. Escaping the car means you are a good problem solver (yes, I am aware that one was obvious). Being approached by a mexican gang means you really liked Clint Eastwood in Grand Torino. And the shape shifting thing means you are on your way to lucid dreaming. Also, I don't think you believe in Santa Claus.

  17. I hope Santa Zibbs had some good presents for them or they will probably kill you anyway.

  18. I am so going to dream of you tonight....

  19. I love weird dreams. I have them all the time but usually forget within 5 seconds of waking up. That's why it pays to have a pen and paper beside your bed.

    The next day when you're actually awake it reads something like this:

    bushes with hand. orange children, feeding monkey was there potato?

    Half the fun is figuring out what the hell you were trying to write
