Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Turkey Hill Mascot Is Creepily Excellent. Downingtown Flanders Day.

So on the fourth I went to Downingtown's Good Neighbor Day. Or as I recently coined it, "Flanders Day".

It was pretty much a Hey Diddly Don't until I turned around and saw this guy coming round the bend:

It's the Turkey Hill Turkey. Look how craptacular it is!

He was sneaking up on some kid and he tapped the kid on the shoulder and I swear the kid almost shit his pants when he turned around. Seriously. Take a closer look...

...(Are you back?) And if you don't tell anyone I'll let you in on a little secret. (Shhhh). Do you see the neck on the Turkey Hill turkey? Look a bit closer. That's where I think the actor's eyes are.... Don't tell anyone though. Especially the kids.

Now this picture isn't mine but I do have a collection of crappy mascots on my computer. The crappier - the better. Maybe I'll share them with you someday.

And one more thing. Whenever those freaks approach me it kind of pisses me off because you're supposed to play along and pretend there's really not a person inside. I usually just start laughing because it's so weird.

And sometimes flee.


  1. That's not where his eyes are, that's where the electronic voice box is. Turkey Hill Turkey used to chain smoke. Now he sounds creepy whenever he "gobbles". I'd flee too.

  2. mascots creep me out!!! If I see one coming my way I do everything I can to avoid them and get the hell out of there!!!! It cracks me up when I see adults actually talking to them or waving at them.....WEIRD!!!!

  3. Mascots hidden on your computer? Mascot fetish??

    I would think you would want the mascot on top???

  4. Kinda looks like Gene Wilder, who's his sidekick?

  5. That's not for his eyes, he's walking on his hands...

  6. can I just go on record as saying that people in costumes CREEP ME OUT?

  7. And to show you that the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, many of the pictures with mascots are my son hugging them.

    Pretending that he loves them.

  8. I have nightmares of being lost in a town full of cartoon mascots and clowns, all jumping up and down and being silently zany while I cry.

  9. Pru - "silently zany" - Bwahahahahahahahahaha

  10. I was felt up by Sylvester @ Six Flags over Georgia....seriously.

  11. We don't have Turkey Hills out here in the west but I still have a milk crate I stole from one when I lived in PA. Shh, don't tell the turkey.

  12. A friend of mine was a mascot for a while at a well known UK amusement park, and when he got hugged by enthusiastic children the mask would twat him on the nose and give him a right bleeder.

    I thought it was just.

  13. mmmmmmm, turkey hill.

    i love their ice cream.

  14. Mmmmmmm, Turkey Hill.

    I love their iced tea.

  15. Here's another mascot to add to your collection. Meet the Elon Phoenix: http://mwilliamson5.files.wordpress.com/2008/11/cimg6382.jpg?w=450&h=675
